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  • The Noble Villains (The Forge Born Trilogy Book 1)

    by Seth Wildschut
    Ex-soldier Darragh Moonford operates in society as an outlaw after being cast out by a kingdom that no longer needs him. As technology advanced, magic-enhanced soldiers became obsolete leading to many becoming criminals. Using his forge-enhanced abilities he takes jobs outside the law to provide security and income for himself and his partner Orion. Soon they stumble onto a plot that could destroy every kingdom and the world itself.
  • Dogs and Demons

    by R J Lee Heroux
    A coming of age story about a fearful boy and his two dogs as they navigate a parallel dream realm through the magical dog kingdom of Olympus. Together with four other children and their dogs, they set off on a quest to Hades in search of their mom, meeting friends and foe, and battling demons, visible and invisible, along the way. The stories and powers of each child unravel as they travel through the woodlands, grasslands, alpine tundra, and rainforests, encountering the likes of sorcerers, pi... more
  • The New Empire

    by Alison McBain
    The world undergoes a drastic change in the fourteenth century when Chinese ships land in what is currently known as the Bay Area of California. Fast forward four hundred years to a much different America than we know, a land dominated by a tribal confederacy grown out of a strong alliance with Beijing. Told from the main perspective of Jiangxi, a Chinese slave, it’s an epic story that highlights the experiences of characters often overlooked in the history books. In doing so, it tells a unique—... more
  • Saving the Gingerbread House

    by Lois Wickstrom
    Is the Witch really going to enter the House Beautiful Contest? For that matter, is there really a witch? Something is tapping in the woods. Hansel and Gretel investigate. It's not a witch building a beautiful home. It's a woodpecker. They were in such a hurry to find the source of the sound, now they are lost. They come upon a beautiful home. It's made of gingerbread. Animals are nibbling. Hansel and Gretel, eat some, too. Then the owner comes out. Have the hungry children ruined her chance to ... more
  • The First Assignment

    by Billy Kramer
    Dead. Seventeen-year-old Shawn Turner no longer belongs to the world of the living. Armed without a heartbeat, he starts his afterlife as a reaper. After being given the name of a person destined to die in the next seven days, he must go out and collect their soul. As Shawn separates himself from the living and moves below ground, he attends Wayward Academy which teaches him the training and traditions all first-year reapers need to know to perform their duty. The only thing is, Shawn i... more
  • The Broken Darkness

    by theresa braun
    In her debut collection, Theresa Braun explores the inner workings of the human heart and what it is we most desire—forgiveness, acceptance, love, fame, or merely to escape who we really are. Whether we are battling ghosts, demons, mythical monsters, the past, or other dimensions, we are really facing the deepest parts of ourselves. These thirteen tales of horror and dark fantasy may appear to be a matter of good versus evil, but they are all a reflection of the hidden corners of the soul that a... more
  • The Price of Rebellion

    by Michael Bland
    It’s 2047. Secrets have been revealed. And Washington wants revenge. Dray Quintero learned an ugly truth: the leaders in D.C. are fake. Using his technology, they’ve stolen the identities of those duly elected to Congress and are determined to stay in power. After revealing the dangers of their government-mandated implants to his fellow citizens, Dray joins the already-underway rebellion. But his joining is as much to free the United States as it is to avenge his daughter’s death. Before he ca... more
  • Beyond Words

    by Celia Bonaventura
    How much more could be learned about using and conserving ocean resources if humans could communicate with intelligent marine creatures? This question is sure to intrigue readers who follow the adventures of Mo and Duke, a lonely girl and a dolphin who develop a deep friendship when they learn how to use whistles and mental linkages for communication. Duke, a curious young dolphin, was poisoned by contact with poisonous blue slime in the hold of a sunken ship. Paralyzed and unable to swim... more
  • The Golden Thrine

    by Lindsey Daugherty
  • Celestial Academy: Essence (Afterworld Book 1)

    by Olivia Pharos
    Orphan. Slave. Drug dealer. As a Demon-Owned human, in an Afterworld that has Hell and Heaven on Earth, Wen White is the lowest a being can be. Her life is one of drudgery, degradation—and mortal danger. And that's before she started dealing Angelescence. Unlike anything in existence, it's a drug only she can produce, and everyone would kill, or die for. With decommission and execution closing in, she’s desperate to buy out her and her best friend’s Indentures. But upping her operations on... more
  • Krystal Winkle and the Peacemaker of Kigali

    by Carolyn Roth-White
    Fantasy Action-Adventure for middle graders who love detective stories, mystery, magic and animals. Ten-year-old American girl discovers she is at the very heart of a magical world filled with danger. While she and her family are in Africa, she begins to unravel the mysteries of who she really is and what her noble destiny will require of her all while she thwarts her enemies and risks her life to save the town's beloved silverback gorilla, the Peacemaker of Kigali.
  • Still Hungry

    by Bob Reiss
    A waitress faced with the most terrifying customer she’s ever encountered. A bully who meets the world’s shyest supernatural creature. A biologist summoned to a military base where a strange phenomenon is occurring. A global leader trapped 28,000 feet above earth. Best selling novelist and world class story teller Bob Reiss has been a lifelong fan of the original Twilight Zone TV series. Here he presents his first short story collection; odd tales of eight characters resembling people we’ve a... more
  • The Light Within Darkness

    by David C. Jeffrey
    Year 2218. Commander Aiden Macallan of the Sun Wolf has defeated Cardew’s attempt to annihilate Bound Space, and Elgin Woo has discovered a vast new astrocell of interconnected voidoids, expanding humanity’s prospects exponentially. But Cardew escaped into the new astrocell and claimed it all for his emerging Posthuman empire. Hell-bent on eradicating the human race, he’s secretly cloning an invincible army of bionic psychopaths to do his bidding. The Alliance must stop him before he invades, bu... more
  • Squeal

    by Gitte Tamar
    Forced to move from home to home throughout his childhood, Tom’s fantasy of a family member rescuing him from the foster care system dies after several years pass without as much as a phone call. His life unexpectedly shifts in his early teens when his only remaining blood relatives, his grandparents, suddenly reappear. For the first time in his resentment-filled years of abandonment, Tom experiences a moment of optimism over moving to the family pig farm. Tom’s change in fortune should br... more
  • Unleashed Vol. 2

    by Edward Jefferson

    It is a fact that the choices you make will seal your fate.


    She is the product of man’s own greed. She is the beauty who stalks the night. Her chosen name is Raven, and she is death that walks. She hunts her prey while hiding in plain sight; her alluring beauty shields her from suspicion and conceals her insatiable desire to kill. A primordial fire burns within her that cannot be quenched. No force known to man can stop her, and everyone who crosses her path is a pote... more

  • The Indomitable Titans: Gods of Men

    A Titan named Sulem Al’Tarik and his apprentice Zion, attack another Titan family, House Araelus, looking to take their Jade Crystal shard and restart a war. Every Araelus in that attack is killed except for one, Jessie. She is saved by a young group of Titans ready to fight A'Tarik. In the attack, Al’Tarik learns that the Araelus family don’t have the shard in their possession. A young human woman named Katie Rooney has it revealed to her by her dying grandfather that he is guarding a powerful... more
