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Political & Social Sciences

  • 9781667843964

    by Ronnie L. Smith
    Civic engagement is a concept that can be explained in several different ways. It is getting locals involved in politics and community affairs and training leaders from the grassroots level. I am writing this book to enlighten you all about the history of civic engagement and why it is so essential for us to understand and participate in it. I am very excited that you have chosen to read the book and hopefully take the first step in being our next community leaders and future state and regional-... more
  • Beyond Carbon Neutral: How We Fix the Climate Crisis Now

    by Samuel M. Goodman

    Winner of an IBPA Benjamin Franklin award, Beyond Carbon Neutral: How We Fix the Climate Crisis Now, details, step-by-step, what we need to do right now to avert disaster, showing that there is still hope for solving climate change. This important book hopes to instill the passion and clarity for overcoming such a major problem. Author Dr. Samuel M. Goodman provides a tool to help you gain the understanding needed to advocate for a future free of this looming catastrophe in this thought-provo... more

  • Sustainability for the Rest of Us: Your No-Bullshit, Five-Point Plan for Saving the Planet

    by John Pabon
    Sick of floods, fires, and fault lines? Sustainability expert debunks biggest myths about saving the planet and gives 5 tips to make real impact. Have you ever wondered whether all your plastic recycling, reusable cup carrying, and hybrid car driving are really making a difference? How about the money you give to charity or the politicians you vote for? Why is it that, after 100 years of the modern environmental movement, things only seem to be getting worse? John Pabon has spent two decad... more
  • Outplayed

    by David Lockwood

    Outplayed will change how you interact with others forever.

    David Lockwood’s second book, Outplayed: How Game Theory Is Used Against Us, will show you the ways in which people try to take advantage of you and how you can stop them. It will guide you on how to structure incentives to get others to work with and not against you. It will help you determine when to cooperate—and when to compete.

    Outplayed is a book about game the... more

  • Person to Person: Change Your Life and Fix the World

    by Joeri Torfs & Pim Ampe

    Person to Person presents an environment that incentivizes goodness, fairness, sustainability, and freedom. It begins with the individual and moves toward our collaborative relationships. Finally suggesting a financial environment that would enable this Quality of Life world to flourish.

  • Whose Fault! Book

    by Ryan D Patterson Sr.
    Abbey and Doug tries to pin the tragedy of flight 1015 on each other. Arguing whose idea it was to send their children to Chicago on that very flight. Ultimately blaming each other. Doug, A Deacon has to talk to Abbey, and find a way to trust their Faith as it is being tested. Ryan D. Patterson Sr. lives in sunny Las Vegas with his wife Kenya. He is a Father of 5 Adult Children. Writing books and poems became his passion early in life while serving in the Military. As an addicted sports fanatic,... more
  • Freedom in Peril: Threats from Within the West

    by Krešimir Perković
    Not too long ago, Western societies were renowned globally for their protection and encouragement of freedom, improving the well-being of citizens around the globe in the process. Unfortunately, the West has increasingly been moving away from its principles of freedom, and, however free Western societies still are, they have become renowned for their continual abandonment of freedom. Although it might sound that way at first, this is not a book about the collapse of Western societies, and nor... more
  • The White People Show: How to Understand Racism and Still Be Wrong About It

    by Kamau Kenyatta
    The White People Show will ruffle more than a few feathers because it goes against the popular and accepted discussions around racism. No matter what you think about racism or anti racism, this book will challenge and stretch you because it will compel you to rethink what you know about individual racism and systemic racism. It’s about rightly defining the term, how white people became racist, and how black people must approach it for survival. Lastly, it exposes the dishonesty implicit in ... more
  • Animal of realities

    by Xosé Gabriel Vázquez
    Our definition as rational animals has expired, since we now know that other species also have that characteristic. Hence the inquiry in this regard and its corresponding result, which are addressed in this book and whose conclusion is that evolution itself has endowed us with something specific: our ability to devise, based on which all and only sapiens live an external reality, in relation to the environment, and an internal reality, based on our personal worldview, and which we also symbolize... more
  • Concepto de imagen de la realidad social

    by Xosé Gabriel Vázquez
    Lo mismo que para obtener la imagen de una persona debes verla, pues no estamos hablando del conocimiento indirecto o, incluso, a través de fotografías, algo similar es lo que se pretende poner de manifiesto en este trabajo, aplicando el concepto de imagen también a los hechos y elementos que conforman la realidad social, desde grupos, pasando por clases, ideologías, conflictos, historia, economía, etc. Aunque también cabe la posibilidad -como pasa a nivel personal- de que en lo social tengamos ... more
  • Las imágenes de la realidad social: Definición y Análisis

    by Xosé Gabriel Vázquez
    Este ensayo trata de reivindicar el concepto de imagen conformante de la realidad social. Tanto para demostrar su existencia como para definirlo y, además, comprobar que no estaba configurado dentro del bagaje sociológico, se realiza un análisis interdisciplinar, que sirve para ir delimitando y diferenciando este término: desde la perspectiva filosófica, pasando por la contribución ontológica de la fenomenología o el enfoque de la antropología, hasta la psicología social y la diferenciación resp... more
  • Análise da Sociedade Galega

    by Xosé Gabriel Vázquez
    Esta obra quere aportar unha imaxe da sociedade galega como entidade propia, coas súas relacións e comportamentos como colectivo, coas súas características sociais, cos seus feitos máis suliñables e, tamén, con seus defectos e virtudes como parte integrante da realidade social da que forma parte, ou mesmo facendo alusión ao seu espíritu común que, segundo Otero Pedrayo, é unha das nosas mellores e máis significativas señais á hora de identificar a este pobo.
  • Balance sociológico de nuestra era

    by Xosé Gabriel Vázquez
    El presente ensayo supone una recapitulación de los principales pilares sobre los que se asienta nuestra especie, como son los individuos que la formamos, la sociedad que conformamos, así como los subsistemas sociales más significativos sobre los que construimos nuestra cultura, como son la educación, la economía, la política, la religión y, sobre todo, la ciencia. Cada uno de estos capítulos se analizan desde una doble perspectiva, diacrónica y sincrónica a la vez, para poder determinar su bala... more
  • Guía existencial sobre (el) ser humano

    by Xosé Gabriel Vázquez
    Resulta coloquial la expresión de que «venimos a esta vida sin manual de instrucciones» y, aunque no seamos como un aparato con un funcionamiento determinado, sin embargo viene a reflejar la situación existencial en la que nos encontramos, sin modelos o guías que nos orienten de manera segura en el desarrollo de nuestro devenir y paso por este mundo. Hasta ahora, nos hemos valido -más bien inconscientemente- sobre todo de nuestro instinto natural y algunas interpretaciones basadas en creencias (... more
  • Homo sapiens. Animal de realidades. Nuestra identidad evolutiva como especie e individuos

    by Xosé Gabriel Vázquez
    Nuestra definición como animales racionales ha caducado, ya que ahora sabemos que esa característica la tienen también otras especies. De ahí la indagación a este respecto y su correspondiente resultado, que se abordan en este libro y cuya conclusión es que la evolución sí que nos ha dotado de algo específico: nuestra capacidad de idear, en base a la cual todos y solo los sapiens vivimos una realidad externa, en relación con el medio, otra interna, en base a nuestra cosmovisión personal, y que a... more
  • Zionism and Palestine

    by Alex Markman
    The last one-and-a-half century of Palestinian history, tragic and violent as it has been, is a confluence of social and political trends that made possible the creation of the Jewish state. There were unique circumstances that enabled Zionists to morph their ideas into actions, which in turn led to the creation of Israel. Along with a short history of Zionism and its conflict with Palestinian Arabs, a reader will find in the book a comprehensive analysis of situations that arose as a result of... more
