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  • The Ocean Inside Me

    by R.G. Shore
    The Ocean Inside Me is a spiritual memoir about healing racial trauma as a person of color incarcerated in an almost all-white prison. Amidst harsh conditions and blatant racism, R.G. Shore learned to meditate by going into his body, befriending his shadow, and learning to sit with the traumas held by his younger self. In The Ocean Inside Me, R.G. Shore learned to love and accept the cause of his deepest pain, his brown body. His prison radio became the conduit by which he transcended the l... more
  • BEING HUMAN BEING "out of the village and into the jungle": Book One

    by ralph bacchus
    The story of a man on a quest to find himself as he navigated through his childhood from a Third World village to the big city of New York. He describes the challenges he faced and overcame in order to follow his dreams to success as a pilot instructor, an electrical engineer and a professional in the corporate world. He treated every challenge as a learning experience to be explored, and to help him understand himself in this human race.
  • Embracing the Shadows: Navigating a Family's Mental Illness

    by Marlene Dunham
    Embracing The Shadows is a non-fiction narrative about three different types of mental illness in my family of origin. I asked the question, “Why not me?” along with searching for answers on how these illnesses were related. I tell of my father’s Manic Depression that went unmedicated until Lithium was FDA-approved in 1967. Secondly, I talk about my brother’s life - being institutionalized at the age of 3 ½ and spending 15 years at Willowbrook State School on Staten Island. My third f... more
  • Location X: A Quest for Place

    by Eva Rome
    A septuagenarian who still craves risk and adventure ditches her home and hits the road in search of Location X, rejecting her comfortable, semiretired life to quest for meaning beyond the mainstream. On a pirate’s map, X marks the spot where treasure is buried, and finding X was the focus of her process: pinpointing that singular location that said, this is where the next phase of my life will unfold. From the armchair globetrotter to the boomer looking for a soft landing in paradise, readers w... more
  • Looking Back Without Anger

    by Susanna Elliott-Newth
    In this astonishing memoir, Susanna Elliot-Newth relives an unimaginable childhood, often stranger than fiction. Trapped in an acutely abusive family home under the watch of a mentally disordered mother and docile father, Susanna’s existence is one of sheer survival. From a very tender age, Susanna is exposed to domestic slavery that includes shovelling snow and handwashing the family’s laundry with insults for reward. Bent on destroying her daughter’s sense of self-worth, Susanna recalls her mo... more
  • Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: Life Lessons for Everyday Warriors (e.g., the rest of us)

    by Kara L. Stewart
    Horsemanship and the Japanese martial art of Aikido may seem as far apart as two things could be, both physically and philosophically. But through the author’s chance meeting (coincidence? maybe…) of renowned horseman Mark Rashid in the mid 1990s, the commonalities of the two paths became clear and then converged. As a most unlikely student began to learn the Art of Peace, the journey took twists and turns. In time, it led to discovering the power of Practice as Aikido became a lifeline throu... more
  • Denounce

    by Silvana Marcorni
    This is the English from Spainish translation project completed by the students of Augusta University and Uruguayan author Silvana Marcorni. It tells the story of her journey to freedom from domestic violence. This translation is the second one for this project. It is currently in the works as a documentary from an award winning short film.
  • Cast Your Footsteps

    by Martha Voorhees
    In the intricate tapestry of our family's history, a resilient thread weaves across generations—a thread forged by the indomitable spirit of a woman born in the waning days of the late 19th century. Today, I stand humbled and honored, tasked with transforming my grandmother's remarkable typewritten chronicle into the living, breathing manuscript that now rests in your hands. With a heart brimming with emotion, I extend to you a heartfelt invitation to embark on a journey—a poignant odyssey throu... more
  • Heroic Choices: Break Through Fear, Realize Your Dreams and Transform Your Life

    by Paula Kent
    Do you ever find yourself wishing for a magic wand that you could wave to transform your life? Do you yearn for personal growth, but find your demons always keep you from taking the first step? Personal change is possible for anyone who dares to embark on the journey toward their dreams. Join author Paula Kent as she guides you on your journey toward self-transformation. Inspired by her own personal growth after taking on a dramatic, mid-life career change, Kent draws on an eclectic variety o... more
  • From Budapest to Hollywood: Searching for the Promised Land

    by Katherine MK Mitchell

    An ordinary little girl is born into an extraordinarily violent world. What are her chances? She is tossed around by life. What kind of a life awaits her? Will she get lost without guidance, will she be a bad girl, will she be abused, will she be a user of others – or, can she find her way and willpower to fight for becoming who she wanted to become.  Katherine survives World War II, loses her father, reunites with her mother post-concentration camp, joins an underground orphaned children’s r... more

  • The Girl with Three Birthdays: An Adopted Daughter's Memoir of Tiaras, Tough Truths, and Tall Tales

    by Patti Eddington
    Patti always knew she was adopted, but when a genealogy test leads Patti to her biological family years later, she embarks on an eye-opening journey to piece together her past.
  • A Love for the Lifetimes

    by Michael Boyajian

    Soon after my wife Jeri Wagner passed away over the rainbow bridge to the other world my therapist told me to write love letters to Jeri in heaven and I did pouring out my heart to my gift from the universe that was taken too soon writing on crisp aromatic parchment paper with a fine fountain pen. Then later my friends and family urged me to write again, and I said no I couldn’t everything I did was for Jeri but then her presence appeared to me and said you can write again, write about ... more

  • Promise - A Story of Race, Culture and Black Potential

    by Ron Tinsley
    Spanning the time from emancipation to present-day, Promise explores issues of race in America and how we arrived at this moment in our racial quandary. Told through the author’s eyes, it follows the time from his introduction to racism as a child during the Jim Crow era—to being owner of two international corporations. While managing to teach some important lessons, Promise also includes exciting adventures; as in opening for, and performing with, such artists as Stevie Wonder, the Fo... more
  • Gutter Glitter

    by Kirsten Moore
    Did you know that guinea pigs are so sensitive that the slightest change in environment can shock them to death? That’s me. I am the guinea pig. *** Kirsten Moore’s debut memoir 'Gutter Glitter' follows Kirsty as she navigates debilitating childhood anxiety and anorexia, followed by life-altering spinal surgery and subsequent opioid abuse. Her history with mental illness is compounded when she experiences three significant losses within six months. Kirsty uses her sardonic wit and self-... more
  • Descent into Darkness

    by Dr Richard Chessick
    The purpose of this book is to acquaint educated interested persons with, as well as to help students and professionals in the mental health field learn about the psychodynamics of mental illness. To facilitate learning about the issues involved and in order to make this information more convincing, more intelligible, and hopefully more interesting for the reader, I have cast it in the unusual form of what I call a didactic novel. To my knowledge this has not been tried before. Here the lectures... more
  • The Sketchbook of Jeri Wagner, Artist: Deluxe Reissue

    by Michael Boyajian

    A deluxe reissue of the sketchbook and notes of noted New York feminist artist Jeri Wagner produced in premium color and on high quality paper stock renowned for her work in wood construction, collage, ceramics, photography and fiber art exhibiting in Chelsea, SoHo, the Village, the Hudson Valley and Europe.

    The Reviews are coming in for THE SKETCHBOOK OF JERI WAGNER, Artist Deluxe Reissue by Michael Boyajian. 

    “A beautiful book,” - Sal J Calise, editor. 

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