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  • Dancing Around the Truth

    by Christine Jacobsen
    In the winter of 2016, after sending her DNA to to be tested, Christine Jacobsen confirmed the secret her mother had half-revealed fifty years earlier: The White man who had raised her was not her biological father. Christine was not of full Danish descent after all. Instead, she discovered that a quarter of the blood flowing through her veins is West African. Her sense of self immediately crumbled. Who was she? Who was her biological father? Did the father who raised her, now decea... more
  • Trigger

    by Robert Dannin
    Edward “Tony” Gawron died in his fifty-seventh year but not before leaving a chronicle of his eventful, yet tortured, life. He poured his own experiences, mixed with a stunning imagination, into Trigger, a twisting tale of survival and revenge set during sixty years of turbulent European history. The central character, Tadeusz Szczepanski, escapes the Warsaw Ghetto and plunges into a life of resistance, deception, and violence, anchoring his morality in the fictional roles portrayed by Humphr... more
  • The Sound of Her Voice: A memoir

    by Sara Gelbard
    THE SOUND OF HER VOICE is Sara's exploration of what it was like to live in an unfeeling world as a child, the healing in writing, what her three homes are to her, how marriage healed her, and, ultimately, how she came to understand and forgive how her mother could, in her way, give her away. Sara sprinkles her book with haikus that go to the heart of such a journey. She has written her book for all who need to find that voice within them in order to heal. Sara Gelbard is a woman of three hom... more
  • Ripples from the Edge of Life

    by Roland Chesters

    If you were given just two weeks to live how would you feel? What would you do? How do you prepare for the end? Who would you tell and how? It was this terrible position Roland Chesters found himself in in the late summer of 2006. He knew he was seriously ill but had no idea that he had both HIV and AIDS. Luckily Roland did not die. Expert medical help and his own determination not to give in saw him through. His life though, had changed for ever.

    ‘Ripples from the Edge of Life&rs... more

  • Braving the World: Adventures in Travel and Retirement

    by Pam Saylor

    After retiring early, in 2017 my husband and I boarded a one-way flight to Rome with only four suitcases and a beer cooler full of insulin to begin our dream trip--a year of living in Europe. The dream was to live like locals, find out-of-the-way restaurants, and watch the seasons change.  But behind every dream, there is the reality.

    Our journey began with the twin challenges of reconnecting our post-retirement lives and finding affordable insulin to manage my T... more

  • But First, Rumi

    by Chitra Ramaswami

    When I discovered a stray cat in need of help, I never thought we’d wind up saving each other. Struggling to come to terms with an unexpected diagnosis, I returned home to Oman seeking a sense of familiarity. What I discovered instead was a very special cat who changed my life. But First, Rumi is the story of how, day by day, Rumi and I got to know one another, and as I learned to love the little stray, I began to see life lessons and truths about myself, my family, my home country and ... more


    by Joshua Smith
    My mom dies when I am nine. My step mom dies two years later giving birth to my little sister. Then a year after that my back breaks and I am stuck in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waste down.
  • Was It Spectacular? A Memoir

    by Anne B. Thomas
    Half a world away from home in 1976, eighteen-year old Anne B. Thomas awakens on the side of a two-lane road paralyzed from the chest down. Fast forward through a rigorous year of physical therapy to when her doctor gives her an ominous warning: “You will live a long time and be a burden on your family for the rest of your life unless you check yourself into a nursing home”. Anne spends the rest of her life proving that doctor wrong. This brutally honest memoir follows Anne’s journey ... more
  • The Battle of Buffalo Wallow

    by James R Odrowski
    In World War II, the U.S. Army’s 44th General Hospital found themselves at ground-zero of the Japanese counterattack on the island of Leyte. As Japanese infantry infiltrated and enemy paratroopers dropped around them, the 44th’s officers faced a life-or-death decision. With over 200 patients, the Japanese surrounding them, and no option to retreat, they had to act fast. Should they uphold their oath to “do no harm”? Or do they arm the medical staff and defend themselves and their patients? Do th... more
  • Another Giggle, Please! - The Mad Memoir of Maddie Hickey

    by Thomas Hickey
    Big mouth Maddie is the fourth daughter born to George and Madeline McCall during the Great Depression in Minnesota. Maddie is driven by mischief and a quest for redemption from her struggle against society’s confines: she leads her first grade class on an escape from boarding school crossing the frozen Mississippi River, gets kicked out of Catholic high school for painting the fingernails and toenails of the statue of the Virgin Mary, tries to get a date with a mortician by lying in a casket, a... more
  • One Step Closer: How a life-altering accident led me to everything I almost missed

    by Ryan Atkins
    When doctors told 21-year-old Ryan Atkins that he would likely never walk again, he was determined to prove them wrong and get his life back on track. Hard work had never failed him before. Why should overcoming a spinal cord injury be any different? What he learned over the next ten difficult years about patience, suffering, hope, and God’s purpose for his life changed him, fundamentally and forever. And it will change you too. If you’re struggling to cope with circumstances beyond your c... more
  • The Making of Mr Irresistible

    by Larry J Gould
    In this memoir, Larry J Gould takes you on a journey with him from one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Leeds, England to one of the most exclusive neighbourhoods in the Hamptons, New York. You will laugh and you will cry. From starting his career as a 15-year-old school dropout to creating two multi-million pound businesses, he experiences many bumps in the road in his personal and business life as he travels around the world from the Soviet Union to the United States, Israel to Ethiopia, an... more
  • Stormy Weather

    by Ranaildo Timms
    Stormy Weather by Ranaildo H. Timms is a short memoir of the author’s time in the Marine Corps. In the preface, the author claims not to be a writer but to know how to tell a story. We learn something about his high school days in Alabama where he preferred playing football to studying, and we learn a bit about his close-knit family. After graduation when most of his buddies were going off to college or into jobs, he shocks his family and friends by enlisting in the Marines. Then he tells the st... more
  • B-29 “Double Trouble” Is “Mister Bee”

    by Colonel Charles A. Jones
    This book is the story of Elmer C. Jones, a young man who grew up during the Great Depression and who joined the military in 1943, becoming a member of the Army's Air Corps in 1944. He was the radar observer of a B-29 Superfortress bomber crew flying 28 combat missions over Japan in 1945--13 bombing missions and 15 photographic reconnaissance missions, including the longest mission of the war: 4,650 miles in 23:00 hours. He accumulated 489:50 combat flying hours during the war.
  • Becoming Soul

    by El Alma
    This story starts with the premise that we are not our bodies. We are our souls. Our consciousness live on when we leave the earth through death. It is only our body that decays and dies. We continue to develop our souls during each lifetime we visit the earth and then go back to being only consciousness. In choosing a new lifetime each soul knows there are natural earth stages we each must endure to develop new earth lessons. There are seven stages that we pass through to arrive back to this e... more
  • The Big House

    by Hugh Cameron and Edna Quammie
    This book arose from a conversation between Hugh Cameron, an orthopedic surgeon, and Edna Quammie, an OR nurse, reminiscing about their shared memories. It was proposed at a dinner meeting of the Dinosaur Club, a group of doctors and nurses and technicians who worked in the operating room in Toronto General Hospital in the seventies and eighties. It tells of the thrills and spills—sometimes funny, sometimes sad—about life in the OR at that time which followed Woodstock, which, in a sense, change... more
