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  • U Dream, Inc.

    by Vlado Rahal, Ph.D.
    Vlado Rahal, Ph.D., began his search for the meaning of life early on, asking himself questions like “Who am I?” As time went on, the need to find an answer took priority in his life. As a teenager, he felt that all the explanations he had been given were not sufficient to help him gain a contradiction-free understanding of existence. At age seventeen, he began studying physics and mathematics, believing back then that the most fundamental natural science should provide the answers he was seeki... more
  • Welcome to My World of Animal Communication and Healing

    by Maureen Rolls
    This book contains some of the thousands of communications and healing I have done with live and deceased animals, domesticated and wild animals worldwide over the past 76 years. The heartache/ love the blessings that these animals give to me for their human guardians and the healing messages that they entrust to me to pass on to their guardians, also the very private thoughts and feelings that they ask me to reveal to their guardians, can be exhilarating and also very emotional, as I tune into... more
  • indigo: the color of grief

    by jonathan foster
    indigo is the joy and lament of a father, theologian, human being, fashioning new ideas about the divine within the painful loss of his daughter, within the constraints of his own intelligence, within the constraints of what religion had been telling him his whole life— some of which was good and some of which wasn’t.
  • Rainbow Stargate 33

    by Alison Carter
    Rainbow Stargate 33 is an amazing spiritual journey that was repeatedly validated, as every prediction about it came true. Miracles happened before our eyes, stretching our beliefs and expanding our hearts. Unexplainable signs and wonders reminded us to be aware of the great mysteries around us that are always available to all. But this phenomenal story is also balanced and grounded as it offers practical life tools and useful road maps to support everyone in this Circle of life. Detailed instru... more
  • Death's Garden Revisited

    by Loren Rhoads
    The book Death’s Garden Revisited collects 40 powerful personal essays — accompanied by full-color photographs — to illustrate why people visit cemeteries. Spanning the globe from Iceland to Argentina and from Portland to Prague, Death’s Garden Revisited explores the complex web of relationships between the living and those who have passed before.
  • Life as Art

    by Gail Morningstar
    My intention for compiling this anthology of quotes is to allow everyone interested in the journey toward compassion, to explore the depths of our own shadow through reflection and acceptance of the gifts served to us in life. I used a Beatles song as an example of identifying the notion of Hindsight, I sight, and Insight. We can use any phrases that inspire us to be aware of and own who we have been, and who we want to be and love ourselves through the process.
  • 365 Daily Affirmations: Breaking 'My Self-Erected' Mental Chains

    by Franklin Nyiawung
    Breaking my self-erected chains is a compilation of 365 daily affirmations, which have helped me navigate my mental struggles throughout 2022. These daily affirmations challenged the status quo of my mental state and with daily practices of prayer (meditation), visualization, and the continuous presence of my awareness within, it slowly transformed my perceived thoughts into conceived thoughts that empower and free me. Through consistency, adaptation, and perseverance, you may also reap the s... more
  • A Miracle of Their Own: A Team, a Stunning Gold Medal and Newfound Dreams for American Girls

    by Tim Rappleye

    A thrilling season in the life of Team USA Hockey women, as the Americans won the inaugural Olympic gold medal in 1998. ”A Miracle of Their Own” also chronicles the birth of what is now known as “The Best Rivalry in Sports,” Canada vs the United States. Nagano 1998 is women’s hockey’s answer to the men’s Miracle on Ice in that it inspired a whole new generation of American players, girls who dreamt of skating in the Olympics—with a stick in... more

  • Faith and the Fight

    by Michael Williams
    Why is this happening to me? If you’ve ever asked that question, consider this: Scripture warns us that we have an enemy. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Have you felt that in your life? There are answers. There is help! “Faith and the Fight – A Detailed Guide to Recognizing and Overcoming Spiritual Attack in Everyday Life.” answers these questions and provides key biblical concepts to better position you to resist, rebuke, and overcome these attacks.
  • The Truth and the Light: Jesus was a Servant and Prophet of God

    by Adebola Sanusi
    The Truth and the Light: Jesus was a Servant and Prophet of God expresses the oneness of God and one religion. It brings out the truth, shedding more light from the hidden and correcting the misconception about who God really is. This book sets the record straight from the confusion people have about God and His religion, which He ordained for mankind and jinn.
  • Living the Way of Oneness

    by Cheryl Jiala Driskell
    The spiritual nature of Living the Way of Oneness is to awaken the reader to self-understanding and enliven them to the remembrance of ONENESS, thereby opening their natural flow of conscious engagement with it. The more we are in remembrance of the Oneness, and feel into it, the greater ease we experience in accessing its supply to share with us 'our' peace, health, happiness and abundance. From how spiritual students can find their center or their way, to how an elephant can help a butterfly, ... more
  • Resurrecting the Cross

    by Ernest Randolph
    Do you ever wonder why everyone, even Christians, continue to struggle with failing to do the good they want to do? Do you worry about what God thinks of you when you sin? Do you struggle with defining what is morally right and wrong? What if God intended to change the paradigm of the whole world with Christ’s death on the cross by transforming the way we deal with sin and providing the way to restore our relationship with God, others and ourselves? This book explores these questions and explain... more
  • Spiritually Parented

    by Meg Gibbs

    "Spiritually Parented: A Foot in Both Worlds" weaves together stories, gifts, and lessons learned from growing up in a household with a devoted sacred practice. This mother-daughter story is rooted in love, authenticity, and the intricacies of studying a shamanic path as a family. There are guided meditations, exercises, and invitations to explore your own spirituality, along with what it was like growing up as an intuitively gifted child in a world that doesn’t always understand.

    ... more

  • The Way: Meaningful Spirituality for a Modern World

    by Larry Jordan
    The Way integrates religion and science and reconciles Eastern and Western worldviews, confirming with the mystics and the scientists that everyone is related, and everything is connected. This book recognizes the perennial philosophy that underlies many spiritual traditions. The book is clear, fair, insightful, and respectful.
  • Yin Yang: The Elusive Symbol That Explains the World

    by Jack Rasmussen

    Foreword by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
    #1 New Release on Amazon

    “When faced with difficulties, we should look at the problem from multiple dimensions and not from one angle alone. In this book, Jack Rasmussen shares his personal experience and explores ways to look at life positively. I hope readers find it helpful.” —His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

    “Jack Rasmussen recounts his... more


    by Rejoice Kur
    The art of moving above the line is a booklet on a model called 'above the line and below the line thinking model'. It is a book on personal development and an inspiration to individual leadership journey.
