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Black Religiosity: A Biblical and Historical Perspective
by Eugene ShermanEven though the practice of religion was outlawed for slaves beginning in the early 1600s, they often met in secret to worship; nothing could erase their belief in God and their commitment to family. In Black Religiosity: A Biblical and Historical Perspective, Dr. E. G. Sherman presents a collection of essays focusing on the eclectic religious experiences of the African American people from the beginning of slavery in 1619 through emancipation in 1863. Through these previously voiced sermon... more -
A Coffee with Archangels
by Isa MillotA new kind of coaching! It is in a spirit of sharing that the author challenges the codes of classical spirituality. The Archangels reveal step by step how to unlock your full potential and live a fulfilled, free and creative life. -
The Date of Christ's Return
by Arnold V PageA clear, comprehensive and authoritative interpretation of Biblical prophecy concerning Jesus Christ's promise to return as Saviour and King. Beginning with an examination of the alarming state of the earth, The Date of Christ's Return shows how the teachings of the Bible and of early Jewish and Christian scholars unanimously lead to a definite date for Christ's second coming. It includes a complete explanation of the book of Revelation plus the answers to multiple questions concerning resurrec... more -
Sparks of Wisdom from Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeshitz
by Rabbi Yacov BarberAncient Jewish Teachings Applied to a Modern World Drawing from his vast knowledge of Torah, Kabbalah, Talmud, and other ancient writings, Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeshitz continues to teach us about the inner and outer world—more than 250 years after his passing. Rabbi Yaacov Barber, a master of inner wisdom, uses ancient and modern wisdom to inspire and motivate the Jewish community throughout the world. In Pearls of Wisdom, he uses his unique skills to transform Rabbi Eybeshitz’s eighteenth-centur... more -
Not Over Yet: A Single Mom's Guide to Reclaiming Hope
by Stephanie BarteltNot Over Yet is an essential addition to the single mom's life, as Stephanie gives practical, biblical advice to address crucial subjects such as: healing from trauma, praying over children, finding joy every day, dating well, leading your family, and more. This inspirational book is an engaging read and an incredible encouragement to single moms from all walks of life. -
Whole Bible Prophecy: Horror and Hope
by Bruce S. BertramThis book is not for everyone. There is no ear-tickling newspaper headlines. It doesn't support The Church or reassure people that they can keep doing whatever they believe is right outside of God's will and they won't have to suffer. Whole Bible Prophecy is for real believers: those who genuinely and with a whole heart want to actually do what God instructs. It is for strengthening faith and helping believers build their houses on The Rock of God's Word. Mere churchgoers and those who desperate... more -
Nicolaitan: Lords of Hypocrisy
by Bruce S. BertramAbout 30 years after the ascension of Jesus, Paul warns the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:29–30 ESV: “I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.” About 30 years after this Jesus warned the Ephesians about Nicolaitans and said He "hates their works." Are the Nicolaitans and the wolves speaking twisted things in Paul's warning the same? Did the... more -
Whole Bible Christianity: Blessings Pressed Down and Overflowing
by Bruce S. BertramMany books about the Bible focus on what a person can get from God; Whole Bible Christianity is about what we can give Him. Bruce S. Bertram rediscovers and relays for us simple, free, concrete principles from God’s living oracles that will help the believer touch God, strengthen faith, and grow more fruit of the Spirit. -
New Earth, Bringing It Home
by Joy-An TuckerFrom bedbugs to bliss––Using lively stories, Joy-An Tucker takes the reader on an inner and outer journey that is simultaneously practical, mystical, and often humorous as she upgrades her ordinary home into a Temple of New Earth. Taking home decorating to a bold new level, she inspires the reader to create heaven on earth in their own sacred space right here, right now.
by FBW BrowneEveryone seeks happiness, and they keep trying to find it through many different ways and in other people. Some people try to find happiness through accumulating things, pleasure, or power. But knowing your purpose is the only thing that can bring you true happiness.
Well, the worldly purpose that each one of us was made to serve may differ from person to person, but there is one purpose that we all need to fulfill – finding God and seeking His closeness. If yo... more
The House on the Rock
by Heather ChapmanTHE HOUSE ON THE ROCK takes you on a personal journey through the word of God, equipping you with a strong foundation for every area of your life. Whether you are searching for truth or want to grow stronger in faith, this 'life manual' will become a powerful resource that you will use over and over again! -
Twice Blessed
by Joseph McGeeIf you have ever felt “stuck,” or wondered why you “never seem to get anywhere,” this book is for you! Or if you have tried self-help books, yoga videos, hobbies, self-improvement courses and you are still left with an uncomfortable feeling that your life is not all it should be, or an anxious feeling about the future you can’t exactly name, there is a Christian explanation and cure for these things. If you feel the Bible is vague, hard to understand and condemning, there is a framework in which... more -
Captive Set Free
by Valerie LimmerHave you been hurt? Are you hounded by turbulent feelings and looping thoughts? Do you know you need to forgive but aren't sure where to begin?
Captive Set Free is a lamppost along the path of healing, offering engaging stories and examples, explaining how forgiveness fits into our spiritual DNA, and examining mindsets that make forgiving easier or harder. In this book, you'll learn how to
- take concrete steps to forgive;
- be sure forgiveness has take... more
Top Dead Center
by Tim FelzA startup story that becomes a quest to decode humanity and the heart of man — co-founder Tim Felz sets out on a road trip to collaborate with farmers and makers across the US and adventures through the richness of America, battling his own demons, with the help of the most unlikely of steeds — a 1980 Volkswagen Vanagon named Patches. In this true story, meet the people who feed America and the ones who are living its dream. Fall in love with the local farmer and the weary traveler alike — an... more -
This Book Found You!: So Pick It Up and Read It
by Beronica ParhamBeronica shares how spirituality advancements in her life helped her by reveling six key ideas for happiness. This book touches on six lessons: Positive Thinking Controlling the Subconscious Mind Understanding Vibrations Forgiveness The Law of attraction Gratitude This is NOT your typically self-help book, but a Love Letter to you -
#VanChurch: Spiritual Lessons from Life on the Road
by Anna HallWhat is it like to live out of a tiny cargo van while traveling across the USA? Wonderful, challenging, delightful, annoying, messy, breathtaking, and so much more. #VanChurch is the true story of one couple's adventures camping across the country in a tiny van. In this wry, thoughtful travel memoir, Anna and Jim Hall chronicle the adventures and challenges of living for weeks and months out of a 40 square foot van. Facing down middle age and needing a new challenge, the couple finds delight, ch... more