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Health, Diet, Parenting, Home, Crafts & Gardening

  • Om for the Home

    by Carrie Leskowitz
    Your home is a more than an address-it's a reflection of your soul. Your living space mirrors your inner space, telling the story of your life through your physical home. Function and feeling go hand in hand. The sacred place you call home supports the foundation for your inner balance and an empowering, fulfilling life. When limiting beliefs, negativity, and stress surround you, it's time to dive deep into who you are to build an environment where you are at home within yourself. In OM fo... more
  • TBI or CTE

    by Mark Tullius
    An author with a reckless past set his fiction aside to tackle a critical mission: Help those around him struggling with head trauma and chart a way forward. But a fateful visit to the doctor upended his entire world... Former fighter and Ivy League football player Mark Tullius wanted to support his friends with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). But when presented with a scan of his own grey matter, his life changed forever. After years of lying to hi... more
  • The Paradox of Ageing

    by Patricia Gogay
    Almost every country in the so-called developed world is facing the paradox of ageing. Thanks to science, more effective medication and higher living standards, more and more of us are exceeding the “three score years and ten” theoretical limits of the past despite the physical and mental impairments that develop with ageing. For those who are spared dementia or chronic pain, a long life is reason to celebrate. We will have a party when we are 80, an even bigger one if we reach 90 and if we hit ... more
  • understanding modern health care

    by steve fredman
    The Tin Woodsman, Dick Cheney was given a new heart and the scarecrow, Joe Biden, was allowed to keep his brain. (He had an aneurysm that bled). But we don’t live in Oz and there is no wizard. The book starts in the late 1700s when only a few eccentrics believed the world was full of invisible creatures that made us sick. It tells the stories of two centuries of research, disease, and care (including HIV, transplantation and CRISPR) and it ends when John Cain turning down his thumb and allow... more
  • The Autoimmune Warrior's Healing Key

    by Jo Pronger Faulkner
    Author Jo Pronger Faulkner was diagnosed with four autoimmune conditions in seven years. Thinking she and her partner, Mike, were going to Nicaragua simply for a long-term get-away, they stumbled upon a new way of living that sparked her interest in the power of plants. Jo's mission became to learn all she could about autoimmune illness, the lifestyle components that contribute to it, and how making different decisions can change everything. The Autoimmune Warrior’s Healing Key is a bala... more
  • The Smooth River: Finding Inspiration and Exquisite Beauty during Terminal Illness. Lessons from the Front Line

    by Richard S. Cohen

    The Smooth River is the remarkable story of how a well-known public relations expert and her husband met her stage 4 pancreatic cancer head-on. With vigor and strength­, they deployed all they and medicine had to offer. But, in contrast to narrow conventional approaches, the couple developed a far more expansive view of what strength means in response to a crisis for which there are no medical cures. They called this the Smooth River.

    This clear-eyed transcendent perspective wa... more

  • Warrior

    by Jessica Duemig
    WARRIOR provides a raw, real, uncensored look into the battle against Triple Negative, Metaplastic Breast Cancer. WARRIOR explores the ups & downs of 9 challenging months of a single, career-driven, pre-kid, badass woman. It explores the hard times, the weird stuff, real life, and the “What the fuck do I do now?”
  • Customize Yourself: Nutrition

    by Chuck Rose
    Customize Yourself is an anti-diet, pro-fun approach to control weight, improve nutrition and get fit. It is the post-pandemic, common sense solution that explains how to be leaner, healthier, happier and more vital.  It’s based on a simple plan of reducing foods that cause more harm than good, and finding healthy, better alternatives.  Some comparative titles are Anti-Diet, The Pegan Diet, The Obesity Code and How Not to Die.
  • Jared's Path Too

    by Barbara M. Schuck
    My husband and I have journeyed down Jared’s path, too, and saw more miracles happening to us and Jared. This path follows Jared from eighteen years old to twenty-one years old—a milestone made beyond doctors’ expectations and a life lived against all odds. Jared and I taught a lot of people along his path. People are not all the same and situations are not all the same. Everyone is an individual and have their own unique path. Medical treatments need to be made for the best quality of life for ... more
  • Jared's Path

    by Barbara M. Schuck
    You begin the parent role as soon as you find out you are pregnant. The care you have for yourself also is caring for the child within. I believe a womans intuition is very powerful. If you have a strong feeling about something, you should listen no matter what others think. You know yourself better than anyone else. Follow your inner feelings.
  • Autistic or Toxic? How I Unlocked the Mystery of My Son's Autism

    by Scarlett South
    Autistic or Toxic? is a true story about a mom and her quirky, but hilarious, son, as they traveled down that mysterious road towards autism recovery, and the devastating lows and triumphant highs they met along the way.
  • Rising

    by Jackie Ng
    If I could rise from something as scary as brain tumor. I think everybody has the ability to rise from whatever circumstances, however difficult it might seem. Particularly during this Pandemic. Human being possesses survival instinct.
  • Green Tea: The Natural Secret to a Healthier Life

    by Nadine Taylor
    Easy, enjoyable guide to green tea’s wealth of health benefits, plus its history, tea ceremonies, how to make perfect tea, and some yummy tea recipes!
  • Bipolar Basics

    by Tracey Marks
    Bipolar disorder is complex and can be easily mistaken for other mental health illnesses. The aim of this book is to help you understand the basics of how bipolar disorder affects you and shed light on the subtle details that distinguish bipolar disorder from other illnesses. It will also equip you with the latest science-based information on medication and non-medication treatment approaches. This book also covers aspects of living with the illness that aren't often discussed openly.If you suff... more
  • 978-1-7358021-7-6

    by Carole Weaver
    Pies to Die For is a how-to against the bad stuff of living with metastatic cancer or other lethal diagnoses-the monsters that attack your frame of mind, so you can't enjoy the time you have left. It's also a romp through art appraising; specifically, through the author's husband and his clients who have lost art through death, debt, divorce, and disaster. These stories offer hints about how to cope with something beautiful being gone, or they entertain you with the strangeness of human nature-e... more
  • Heart Disease & Hypertension: Vitamin Therapy for a Healthy Heart

    by Bryant Lusk
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Worldwide, by 2030, almost 23.6 million people will die from CVDs, mainly from heart disease and stroke. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), these are projected to remain the single leading causes of death. Heart Disease & Hypertension: Vitamin Therapy for a Healthy Heart provides guidance on achieving better heart health through the right ba... more
