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Never Married Dating
by never married datingNever Married Dating . Com helps single never married people find love . Never Married Dating . Com is the only exclusive dating website for single never married people to find love online. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A DATE THAT HAS NEVER BEEN MARRIED ? BEGIN YOUR ADVENTURE NOW, AS WE ENCOURAGE SINGLE NEVER MARRIED PEOPLE TO JOIN NEVER MARRIED DATING THIS IS YOUR GREATEST SOURCE FOR FINDING A DATE THAT HAS NEVER BEEN MARRIED -
Dancing by Myself: Learning To Live Again In A World Without Penney
by Penny Morang RichardsThe book is not so much the story of my daughter’s death as it is the story of how I learned to live again after she died. It’s about how I learned to give myself permission to breathe again, to laugh and smile again. It’s about how I learned it’s OK to say “No” when I needed to for my own mental health. I still do now and again. -
Unfinished Business: 8 Steps to Heal Your Trauma, Transcend Your Past, and Transform Your Life
by Melanie SmithMelanie Smith knows from experience how complex and immovable grief and trauma can feel. She used that experience to fuel her research into the issues of trauma, loss, and finding happiness, which led to the creation of Unfinished Business—an eight-step, actionable process that will help you overcome heartbreak, emotional wounds, limiting beliefs, old patterns, and unconscious habits, as well as the negative self-talk, self-judgment, overwhelm, and misalignment that have held you back from succe... more -
The Blossoming of Women: A Workbook on Growing from Older to Elder
by Karen RobertsThis workbook invites its readers to embark on later life explorations with confidence and to enjoy the process of self-discovery. Engaging questions follow each chapter, assisting participants on the path to a rewarding new life stage motivated by personal purpose. Included are interviews with women who confronted daunting challenges, yet their perseverance and inner faith led them to pursue incredible late-life passions. Their stories will open women to new possibilities. They will be encour... more -
Book of Dhi Yoga
by Abhi DhiYogiHow does one learn the art of catching, planting and growing ideas in the pursuits at school, work or home? This book will enable your practice of yoga for your ideas: Balance to catch ideas | Open up to plant the ideas | Learn the lesson from each experience to grow the ideas. -
The Healing Swords Of Love And Innocence: Be Brave Be Bold This Your Moment
by Elizabeth UptonWas Awarded 5-Stars By Reader's Favorite Review!
Today’s busy, noisy, and fast-paced world can be full of challenges that stress us out and bog us down, sometimes to the point of leading us down a path of despair, desolation, and depression. 'The Healing Swords of Love and Innocence: Be Brave Be Bold This Is Your Moment' is a complete guide to discovering how to slow down, reset the mind, and begin to achieve the love, innocence, peace of mind, and resilience we o... more -
The Eloquence of Effort: Beware the Path of Least Resistance
by Indar MaharajThe central theme of the book is tethered to the principles of Entropy: namely, barring the infusion of human energy, all things spontaneously degenerate into chaos. It’s the reason things naturally fall apart and never the reverse. It’s a universal law: chaos is spontaneous; order demands human effort. Arguing that dreams are only achievable through sustained effort and that regardless of the outcome meaningful effort is never wasted, the book relies heavily on a wealth of published data. More... more -
The Gang of Three: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
by Neel BurtonFor better or worse, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle engineered the Western mind.
Above all, they formed part of a movement that stood at the crossroads of mythological and scientific-rational thought, at the crossroads of mythos and logos. Although the path of logos had already been beaten by the pre-Socratics, and would be paved by the Stoics, it is they, the Gang of Three, who forced the carriage to turn.
This book sets out to do three things: trac... more
How to Talk to Porcupines
by Allegra Birdseye-HannulaThis award-winning, easy-to-use field guide offers a powerful set of tools and practical solutions to the most important challenge for today's youth workers, educators, managers, and parents - communication breakdowns. After reading this guide, you will be able to:
- Identify porcupines in the field
- Recognize when and how communication breaks down
- Improve your communication know-how to skillfully redirect prickly personalities
- Add effective and impactful c... more
Fast Forwards
by Noel LyonsFind Out What Wastes Willpower. Uncover What Magnifies Willpower through research-backed insights. Here’s what you’ll learn: How willpower is not as limited as you might think—or some people would have you believe! How we all were born with this inner strength, yet often undermine ourselves (unwittingly). How to break willpower down into its 5 core components, plus twelve ways to outsmart willpower altogether. The 'Fast Forwards' method of consulting with your 'future self.' How to liv... more -
Share the Road: The Journey to Autistry
by Janet LawsonShare the Road is the journey of two parents making a future for their son and building a pioneering vocational training program that empowers autistic individuals. This is the culmination of the lessons learned from over 15 years of working with autistic teens and adults to develop a program that addresses their needs and supports their talents. -
Fuck The System...The Supremacy Incarnation
by Bresh WinstonSelf improvement, finances, psychology, philosophy and dark psychology are the books major focus. The beauty arises in the way Bresh Winston presents his thoughts on this very controversial topics, in simple terms. In a way, it can seem like you are having a one on one conversation. The fourth chapter will blow your mind. Just imagine how invincible you will become by developing an ability to know exactly what people are saying without them speaking. You don't believe me? Then read for ... more -
Сердитий восьминіг розфарбуй мене щасливим, розфарбуй мене спокійним
by Lori Lite«Сердитий восьминіг Розмалюй мене щасливим, розмалюй мене спокійним» — це весела книга-розмальовка для роботи над собою, призначена для дітей 4–11 років та їхніх батьків, вчителів чи консультантів. Вона включає в себе прості повсякденні техніки, які можна використовувати для контролю гніву, зменшення стресу та збільшення щастя. Ця інтерактивна книга-розмальовка наповнена простими стратегіями самозаспокоєння, управління гнівом та покращення емоційного сприйняття. Розмальовуючи 38 ілюстрацій, діт... more -
Бухта Морської Видри (Sea Otter Cove- A Relaxation Story): Історія для релаксації (Ukraini
by Lori Lite«Бухта морської видри» – це історія, яка вчить дітей використовувати релаксаційне дихання, відоме як “діафрагмальне дихання”, щоб заспокоїтися, знизити стрес і контролювати емоції. Діти люблять практикувати релаксаційне дихання із грайливими морськими видрами та морською дитиною в цій історії. Ця науково-обґрунтована техніка самозаспокоєння допоможе вашій дитині заспокоїтися, розслабитися та впоратися з гнівом. Діафрагмальне дихання разом з іншими формами релаксаційного дихання має позитивний в... more -
Катання на бульбашках ( Bubble Riding: A Children's Relaxation Story): Історія для релаксац
by Lori LiteДіти люблять візуалізувати чи уявляти, як їхні тіла наповнюються кольорами веселки. Слідом за морськоюдитиною та черепахою діти вирушають у світ релаксації на бульбашках. Візуалізація, також відома, як творча уява, допомагає знизити рівень стресу та тривоги. Вона може вплинути на здоров’я, творчі здібності та успішність вашої дитини. Візуалізацію можна використовувати, щоб втамувати біль та гнів. Творча уява в цій історії заспокоює розум і розслабляє тіло, щоб ваша дитина мала змогу впоратися з... more -
Сердитий восьминіг (Angry Octopus: A Children's Relaxation Story): Історія для релаксації (
by Lori LiteДіти люблять розслаблятися та знімати напруження за допомогою цієї веселої вправи, відомої, як м’язова релаксація. В цій історії діти зможуть асоціювати себе з сердитим восьминогом, в той час, як морська дитина покаже йому, як заспокоїтися та впоратися зі своїм гнівом. Ця ефективна техніка боротьби зі стресом і гнівом фокусує увагу на різних групах м’язів, що забезпечує повний відпочинок для вашого розуму та тіла. М’язова релаксація допомагає знизити рівень стресу та тривоги, а також її мо... more