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Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion

  • Wisdom From The World's Greatest Gurus

    by Prometheus Worley
    Wisdom From The World's Greatest Gurus: Imagine Transforming Your Life, One Thought At A Time is a beautifully full-colored concise self-help compendium of the thoughts, quotes, aphorisms, and sagely musings of just a few of the world's most popular contemporary wise Gurus. The first of its kind, sure to become one of the best books to read this year as well as a #1 best Road Trip book to read while traveling, this eye-catching, thought-provoking text combines the powerful wisdom of several of t... more
  • My Name Is Dad

    by James Frank
    A must read for every family! My book helps explain the many stages, experiences, loss, strength, overcoming, and moving forward after losing our son to suicide. Through my personal day to day life, I have tried to help myself and others move forward and ease the pain of losing a loved one to suicide. I only hope after reading this book, you will have a deeper understanding of suicide and the ripple affect it has on survivors. You will find answers to questions and the feelings you are and will ... more
  • I Quit! The Life-Affirming Joy of Giving Up

    by Coonoor Behal
    A collection of stories from real people and how they summoned the courage to quit things in their lives. Quitting carries a lot of stigma and shame in society, with connotations of “failure” or “not being able to stick it out” prevailing. Sayings such as “Quitters never win” have tricked us into believing that maintaining the status quo is always the “right” thing to do…or is the less risky choice. In fact, in life it’s a risk if you do AND it’s a risk if you don’t. Quitting is a choice…but ... more
  • The Rules of a Little Boss: A Book of Self-Love

    by Haelee P Moone

    This colorfully illustrated book is published by The Rules of a Big Boss LLC. It helps elementary school aged children gain and improve their self-esteem through the eyes of an 8 year old orator. It was a finalist in the 2021 Independent Author Network Book of the Year of the contest. It is available in hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audiobook format. While it will help, it won't help them achieve higher self-esteem by itself. They must be willing to do the work expressed within to achi... more

  • CBAR - Conceive, Believe, Achieve, Receive

    by Walter Perdigao

    Are you living your dream life? CBAR is a handbook for people looking to imagine and fulfill their life dreams. Learn and understand...

    •  Your life purpose
    • The power of your mind, paradigms & the ego
    • The seven universal laws including the Law of Attraction
    • The four steps to manifest anything into your life
    • The true secret to happiness, life balance and real wealth
    • The process of core value & goal setting
    • How to create your own Vis... more
  • Where Compassion Begins

    by Jared Seide
    Compassion is sometimes confused with empathy, or even sympathy. It is neither, though it includes some aspects of both. Compassion begins when we allow ourselves to really hear and attune to suffering, that of others, as well as ourselves. And hearing and perceiving this anguish, we are moved to do something about it. What takes compassion beyond sympathy or empathy is that it includes action, action that is considered, skillful and beneficial. Council is a foundational practice that builds ... more
  • The Old Untold

    by Kim Malaj
    Do you ever state the following: "I wish I could ask ____ but they're gone." Capture an old untold story of a loved one, neighbor, stranger, or write your own story. The Old Untold is an outlined journal with 101 personal questions including extra lined pages. A great record to keep for caregivers, family, friends, and for the next generation.
  • Heal the Hurt: 20 ways to ease emotional suffering

    by Michael D. McGee, M.D.
    Heal the Hurt gives guidance for healing from the trauma, hurts and heartbreaks of life. Dr. McGee lays out a simple but profound three-step practice for navigating life’s hurts and hardships, along with twenty concise and practical lessons for healing emotional pain and minimizing future pain. Heal the Hurt will not only ease your pain, it will help you embrace and process your pain in ways that will make you stronger and wiser because of your pain.
  • SuperFast: Fasting for SuperHealth

    by M. David Peterson

    This is no ordinary book on fasting. It is a book about Superfasting. M. David Peterson and his wife, Jacie, each have over five years of fasting and coaching experience from which you can benefit. You may have heard of intermittent fasting. You may have heard of long-term fasting. Superfasting is a combination of the two, but so much more. From reading this book, you will learn:

    • How to intermittent fast and long-term fast,
    • The optimal diet for muscle and strength,
    • ... more
  • The Inferno Within: Navigating the Passages

    by Maggie Pandolfi
    Are you ready to journey through the deepest and darkest places within, and survive the shadowy passages that lead to personal and emotional empowerment and freedom? It is not a trek for the faint-hearted. It is a pilgrimage through Hell to reunite with our wholeness of who we are, our stories, our self-destructive habits, our greatest fears, and our many selves. We setoff to ultimately meet our greatest Demon, one layer at a time. We have no other choice, because for those of us that have come ... more
  • Bouncing Back From Difficult Times

    by Mary Ann V. Mercer, Psy.D.

     “Bouncing Back from Difficult Times” teaches you about your patterns of thoughts, emotions and reactions that stop you from effectively handling life difficulties and problems.  You will learn valuable characteristics of resilient and optimistic people – plus how they superbly handle life challenges and problems. 

                Difficult times and crises force us to look at our l... more

  • Searching for Self - In Pursuit of Inner Peace

    by K R V Hari
    The book “Searching for Self – In Pursuit of Inner Peace” explores our ideas of self, repeatedly revealing "who we are not" to gently bring us into peace without attempting to alter our external conditions. The book converses intimately with the reader in the form of self-talk which resonates with the way all of us make sense of the world today. Thus, our profound and highly personal endeavor into our inner depths is facilitated by a book filled with mere words. Human beings today are facing ext... more
  • The Unfakeable Code(R)

    by Tony Jeton Selimi

    "A life manual that gives you valuable insights into the science of changing your mindset that will transform your existence." Marie Diamond, a star from The Secret

    The Unfakeable Code® is much more than a simple self-help guide that eloquently explains how perception is merely the tip of the iceberg in how we experience life and its nature. He guides readers through a five-step method to dissolve the detrimental beliefs, energies, skewed perceptions, and habits gathered t... more

  • One a Day Quotes to Destiny: Quotes for Life, Business, Purpose, Success, and Mentorship

    by Jana K Alexander
    One a Day Quotes to Destiny (Series One) is concentrated with thoughts of wisdom for everyday living. These quotes can help you stay motivated and focused on achieving your goals and dreams. Just as a life coach guides and instructs their clients so they can live to their full potential, so does One a Day Quotes to Destiny. Everyone on earth has a specific purpose and destination in life, and one who lives life outside of their purpose can go through life feeling miserable and unsatisfied. T... more
  • Dare to Read: Improving Your Reading Speed and Skills

    by Wade Mcjacobs
    Be in control of your reading. With the Read Through It Strategy, you will be empowered to make decisions while you read. You will gain confidence as you decide how much you learn from any given passage. There are no tests of comprehension or word pronunciation. Essentially, you are on a diet of reading whatever it is you would like to read. You are also free to change it if you are not having fun. You are in control! When 16-year-old student, Karen, read the word "little" as "small," she had... more
  • Both Sides of the Street: Choices & Consequences

    by Marcus Whitley
    Writer and ex-convict Marcus Whitley is a youth advocate who works to help adolescents find a better path. Now, after having made regrettable choices of his own, he is sharing his experiences in the hopes that others won’t make the same mistakes he did. Both Sides of the Street will teach how changing your thought process can help you make smarter decisions instead of impulsive ones. Improving self-awareness can change and maybe even save your life! This book will help you understand how drugs, ... more
