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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Fighting To Breathe, Third Edition

    by Jong Yi
    A gripping story of one nurse's fight against racism in the medical industry, set against the horrific backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The Fourth Power

    by Michelle M. Pillow

    Parnormal Women's Fiction with Romantic Elements
    ​NYT & USAT Bestselling Author, Michelle M. Pillow

    In the past, Heather’s used her gift to help her two best friends. The time has come for her besties to return the favor.

    Heather Harrison sees ghosts. It's not something she brags about. In fact, she wished she didn't. Communicating (or not communicating) with the dead only leads to heartache, and for her it led to a divorce. For the... more

  • Third Time's A Charm

    by Michelle M. Pillow

    Parnormal Women's Fiction with Romantic Elements
    ​NYT & USAT Bestselling Author, Michelle M. Pillow

    Friends don’t let friends séance drunk.

    A new Paranormal Women's Fiction series from NYT & USAT Bestselling Author, Michelle M. Pillow!

    Vivien Stone lost the love of her life over twenty years ago. Now that she’s in her forties with a string of meaningless relationships under her belt, she can't help but pine for wh... more

  • A Spell of Rowans

    by Byrd Nash
    With their magical talents twisted by a traumatic past, the Rowan siblings must face the deadly fallout of blackmail, murder, and magic after their mother's death. An emotional page-turner.
  • Tatiana and the Russian Wolves

    by Stephen Evans Jordan
    A family saga that follows the Russian Revolution’s reverberations into the 1980s as Alexander Romanovsky confronts his mother’s shadowy past in Russia and France to her suicide in San Francisco. His psychological journey involves three themes: the plight of Russian émigrés; the devastating impact of suicide for loved ones left behind; and family secrets—the painful discovery and hopeful reconciliation.
  • The Lives of Cat

    by Barbara Jean Ruther
    The day comes when Xander's zealous protection of Cat fails. The hostile leader of the multi-billion dollar drug cartel in Mexico, knowing Xander has a relationship with the Russian President, kidnaps Cat, aggressively demands cleared entrance into Russia, a thriving drug market he plans to take over from Afghanistan.
  • The Chapel St. Perilous

    by Michael Rands
    Believing the universe is sending him secret signs, Marcel Swart puts his meagre savings into a high-leverage investment. Overnight, Marcel becomes a millionaire, but these winnings come at a great cost—such as the demon that seems to be following him, leaving carnage in its wake. In a quest to set himself right with the universe, Marcel travels cross-country, finding himself in a small town in Alabama, rife with political tension surrounding a mysterious cult and a sheriff's election that ma... more
  • Legacy's Road: The Red Path

    by M. Daniel Smith
    LEGACY’S ROAD SERIES, BOOK ONE THE RED PATH In this enthralling historical novel, Harold Knutt, a young British officer, arrives in Western Pennsylvania in 1758 near the end of the French and Indian War. Thrown into the chaos of battle, he proves himself a capable strategist. After leading a one-sided victory against extreme odds, he is given the honorary title of Red Fox by the men who follow him. He meets his match in Meghan O’Malley, a strong-willed colonist. She is one of dozens of camp... more
  • The Quality of Promises

    by John Cravens
    The Quality of Promises is a collection of seventeen stories, eight of which have been published in literary journals and reviews; all have been published singularly as Kindle ebooks. They take place across a broad sweep of years and places--Paris, Amsterdam, Ireland, Michigan, New York City, California, Vietnam--and reflect people's reasoning and reactions as conflicting choices are faced or a new understanding of circumstances is confronted. These stories consider the social, political, and cu... more
  • 978-1-68433-826-9

    by Chuck Augello
    For aspiring indie filmmaker Kevin Stacey, it’s another day on the set of his first film, but when his estranged father, a failed Hollywood actor, arrives unexpectedly with a bundle of cash, a gun, and a stolen capuchin monkey, he’s propelled toward the journey that will change his life. The monkey, Henry, has been liberated from a research lab by animal rights activists. Inspired by his friend Veronica to reevaluate his relationship with other species, Kevin learns about the pain and suf... more
  • The ReGender App

    by Jass Richards
    What if there was an app that could cloak you in a cross-gendered hologram? And it had a voice modulation module? Women could present as men and get better-paying jobs. Men could present as women and get groped in the subway. Cool.
  • Atlas

    by Jack Dorian
    When his father commits suicide, Ian Blair is hurled into a numbness, forced to confront a feeling he can’t describe. Dr. Ellis, his college professor and mentor, attempts to help him process his struggles with personal therapy, but after a year without progress, Ellis sends Ian out into the world on his own with a mission to find his purpose. Moved by an idea, Ian reconnects with his best friend, Conor, and forms Atlas, a research start up with a lofty goal—to solve the world’s greatest problem... more
  • One Search for All

    by Derrick McBride
    ONE SEARCH FOR ALL is a true story of a retired Navy veteran in his quest to find a lost woman, and reclaim her determined search for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. Miss Willie Swanson Edwards played a heartwarming role in the life of Jack McBride, but when she went missing one frigid February morning, the lives of everyone she touched would forever be changed. Past friendships would be called upon and new relationships would be discovered. As the search for her turned from ... more
  • The Butcherbird Tree

    by Steven Richard Harris
    Set in 1994, The Butcherbird Tree tells the story of Simon Webb, an eighteen year-old fighting an internal battle of guilt and self-harm, and his conversations with his psychologist. Secret desires, self-effacing feelings, personal and professional doubts and gruesome nightmares all reveal themselves in the emotional meetings between client and therapist, until the true meaning of Simon´s dreams become astonishingly clear.
  • Falling Off A Cliff

    by Rose Senehi
    Two women, a generation apart and from two different worlds, are driven by a passion to heal. Will one have her innocence shattered and the other be forever haunted by an unanswered mystery? Time, like a pendulum, swings the reader between two women born to make a difference with their healing hands no matter what dangers they have to face. In the 1920s, Lula Mae clings to a doctor woman as they gallop horseback all over the steep, harsh Blue Ridge Mountains where fierce pride and guarded s... more
  • Shifting to Freedom

    by Marlene Cheng
    In the literary, auto fiction about contemporary women, Shifting to Freedom, Tess, a medical doctor, to escape from fear, pain, horrendous manic depressive mood swings, and hallucinations, dissociates, crossing invisible barriers to become ‘alter’nate personalities. Her life, heartrending in sadness, constantly threatens to become unraveled. Her tenuous hope for recovery is as fragile as her emotions. “Shattering” is her constant fear. We hear her cry from the darkness, tears we canno... more
