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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Splendide Mendax

    by Zephyr Dorsey

    Visualize our world as it was 2019. Now imagine that a nation, say, one of the world's superpowers, in the attempt to protect itself against the next SARS outbreak, accidentally creates a worldwide plague. Imagine also that the plague-causing nation attempts to cover-up its mistake. And then envision the world's elite assisting in that cover-up. Too impossible to imagine?

    It won't be after you read Spendide Mendax by Zephyr Dorsey.

  • I Touched the Moon: A Tale of Abduction and Redemption

    by Sila Long
    On November 5, 2011, a gang of armed robbers and human traffickers moved door-to-door shooting, hacking, raping, and abducting members of a small village outside the state of Zamfara, northwestern Nigeria, to avenge the killing of their comrades by local vigilante groups. This horrific attack killed nineteen villagers, left a bloody trail of mutilated victims, and girls snatched from their families. The plight of one girl's remarkable journey after being abducted from her home and bearing witnes... more
  • Empire Builder

    by Edward Sheehy
    Empire Builder is the name of an Amtrak train route that stretches from Chicago to Seattle. Empire Builder is also the moniker bestowed upon James Jerome Hill, a railroad baron in the Gilded Age, who proselytized the gospel of Commerce and Christianity. The opening prose stream explores the historical and literary roots underpinning the philosophy of capitalist expansion and exploitation and its impact on Indigenous populations through absurdist conversations with figments of the traveler’s im... more
  • Hey Jude

    by Kathleen Stone
    In 1985 eighteen-year-old Jude Hastings loses her deaf twin sister to a brain aneurysm. A year later her longtime boyfriend dumps her for taking too long to grieve. Jude’s relationship with her parents is more volatile than ever because she’s the child who lived. The next four years see Jude on a path of destruction, leaving a trail of alcohol-induced nights and a laundry list of nameless men in her wake. Love simply doesn’t exist in her world. Until she meets Shea Sullivan, an unreachable four-... more
  • Lester Lies Down

    by James Ladd Thomas
    Lester Gordon is an odd man, just like everybody else. He’s on the lower end of the spectrum, just like so many others. He falls in love and marries his next-door neighbor. They create a family with three children. All seemed right with world for this peculiar man. After cancer takes his wife, he finds himself adrift, wondering if he’ll ever regain his purpose in life without his wife and the mother of his children. He decides to sell his family’s car wash business and become a hospice nurse. He... more
  • The Fountain (Second Chance Book 1)

    by John A. Heldt
    Three elderly, unfulfilled siblings gain a new lease on life when they plunge into a fountain of youth.
  • Nairobi Ndoto

    by Mahua Cavanagh
    Set in Nairobi, Kenya, Nairobi Ndoto follows three expatriate women whose ndoto—the Swahili word for dreams—become a nightmare when their world is thrown into turmoil by murder. Tilly, Pauline, and Zara each dreamed of a life abroad in Kenya filled with adventure, opportunities, and new beginnings. Reality didn't match the dream. Tilly thought her move to Kenya would be temporary, but nearly ten years and three kids later, she no longer knows what home is. Dealing with an increasingly straine... more
  • The Art of Unconventionality

    by Jannet Nasim
    The Art of Unconventionality is a story told from the perspective of Aarmin, Big Daddy's third child. Love and deception ran deep in Big Daddy's household. Every character is impacted by the tension that arose from Big Daddy's decisions, the liberation war of Bangladesh, and faith. Aarmin chronicled the struggles of each character through the various phases of their lives.
  • The Voice of Prophets

    by Alan Simon

    March 2033.

    America had dodged the bullet of a full descent into darkness little more than a decade earlier; but now another round was in the chamber, and the hammer of hatred was cocked and on a hair trigger.  

    Once again, their false messiah tapped into their ugliest instincts and most vile impulses, mustering the dark armies onto the battlefield to unquestioningly do his bidding.

    This time, their false messiah had risen from their own ranks, and was truly one of them... more

  • Carry on Smartly

    by Wayne Westphal Barrow
    An anthology of 20 short stories which explore themes of justice, spirituality, crime & love; deal with the virus; manage anxiety as a plane plummets to the ground, embrace a female super hero; and witness dogs with attitude.
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald: American Spy

    by Murray Sinclair
    Did you know that, in the Spring of 1940, the once famous author F. Scott Fitzgerald was recruited by an agent of the French Resistance to assassinate the premier of Vichy France? He had hijacked the “Jazz Age” and made it his own in the Roaring 20s, but now a struggling, impecunious alcoholic, his only real comforts are multiple Coca-Colas and the elusive embrace of his paramour, gossip columnist Sheilah Graham. Hemingway has become the real ticket, making the big money, but when our narrator H... more
  • Polaris Coyote

    by E.M. William

    A series of lost people connect in unexpected ways, guided by the intervention of a spiritual coyote.


    by Manning Rubin
    VOYAGE TO THE WALL, a historical novel based on true events in immediate post-war WWll in Germany and the birth of tsrael. lt is based on many experiences of the author, Manning Rubin. This is not simply another action historical novel. lt is also the moving story of a naive young Amerlcan soldle/s experlence of the horrors of WWil. And it reveals the effect on the world of the millions of murders by the Nazis including 6 million Jews. And on the fight between the lsraeli Palestinians and the ... more
  • January 6th and the Millennial Horde

    by Andy Lazris
    This dystopian novel asks what may have occurred if we insert two very passionate and driven fictional characters into the national narrative after the January 6th Capitol attacks. Unwilling to tolerate the push back of “anti-lifers” and “anti-democrats” against the country’s struggle with COVID and Trumpism, Congressman Jim Depich and college student Mary Lou Kramer thrust America into a violent and retributive spiral that dismantles science and democracy in an effort to rescue them from p... more
  • Dark Secrets, A Legacy of Memories from 1939 Sweden

    by Sher Davidson
    When light shines on something, it casts a shadow. This novel is about the shadow cast on a family and a country when light shines on its past. Lena Larsson, a young American student and aspiring writer, at the Sorbonne in Paris, was raised by her domineering Swedish immigrant Grandmother, Helga, and her stoic mother, Sofia, in the small Pacific Northwest coastal town of Astoria, Oregon. Most of their neighbors were Scandinavian immigrants. As a child, Lena, shy and withdrawn, spent much of her ... more
  • Half Notes from Berlin

    by B. V. Glants

    Berlin, 1933. Hans believes he and his family are safe from persecution.

    Then, he discovers his family's dirty secret: his maternal grandparents were Jews who converted to Christianity.

    Driven by the desire to understand who he is and whether his mother's blood really is tainted, Hans befriends Rebecca, the only Jewish girl he knows. Perhaps if Jewish blood isn't evil, his mother will be ok.

    To be a Jew in Hitler's Germ... more

