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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Darkness Falling

    by Patrick MacDonald
    From 1845-1847 the British government reshaped Irish society, with disastrous results. Ultimately, a million lives would be destroyed, and another million people would flee. These are two stories of those lives.
  • Walker's Way

    by William Greer
    Joe Walker is born into slavery in the 1850's and is sold away from his family at the age of nine. He eventually escapes from his new master and joins the Union Army at age 17 where he serves as a trooper in the 5th Colored Cavalry. After the war, he goes in search of his family and reunites with his older brother Amos, on a wagon train west. Once settled, Joe pursues the occupations of farmer, bounty hunter, cowboy, and rancher in an attempt to recreate the family he had lost. His journey from ... more
  • Pericles and Aspasia

    by Yvonne Korshak
    Two lovers crest the wave of the golden age of Athens: Pericles, statesman and general, and Aspasia, his courtesan, a philosopher's daughter, and a brilliant woman in her own right. In a world of hierarchies, he is at the top when she arrives as little more than flotsam cast up on Athenian shores. Their love transcends social sanctions, enduring and deepening despite the grave threat it presents to Pericles' reputation as a leader of the Athenian democracy. The novel unfolds against the backg... more
  • Jamestown - A New Life

    by Joyce Crawford
    Richard de Burton is a prisoner of his own mind. His past haunts him. He did not complete knights’ training due to physical limitations. Consequently, each time he walks down the endless corridor of his ancestral home, he feels deep despair. Portraits of his knighted and venerated ancestors seem to peer down at him and hiss their condemnation. He would never earn the title of knight of the realm nor live up to their expectations. Adding heartbreak to his self-loathing, he lost the love of his l... more
  • Maplecroft

    by Mary-Clare Terrill
    Best Beloved, \tAre you up in your room this afternoon, I wonder, or are you sitting here beside me, looking out over the water — with your head resting on my shoulder...? Told with original love letters, Maplecroft, the first book in the Maplecroft family saga series, tells the story of Austin and Errington who lived and loved in the once budding industrial town of Preston, Ontario, Canada. A love, troubled by long-enduring absences, mysterious illness, and an overbearing father whose port... more
  • Frank Lloyd Wrong

    by Frances Grote
    Fourteen-year-old Christian Ricardo, whose grandmother has burdened him with the nickname "Darling", is the oldest of three kids being raised by a single mother. Responsibility has forced him to become very mature, while circumstances have kept him incredibly naive in some ways. He can feel that something is "not right" about Mother, but he has no context to help him understand she has a spectrum disorder. After Mother and her menacing boyfriend suddenly take off, Christian has to choose between... more
  • Destiny Uncharted

    by Tim Scott

    The year is 1972, Jack Higgins returns from Europe, relieved that his number was not called for the Vietnam War. But his plans for a promising future are derailed when his girlfriend Kara's vicious, controlling mother attempts to force her to return home. Fleeing to San Francisco for solace, Jack discovers a new purpose in helping others while also learning to forge his own path. Emotions run high and conflicts arise as Jack navigates his journey towards his destiny. Set in the tumultuous... more

  • The Restless Lake

    by Teri Fink
    Tech industry executive Olivia Vandenberg leaves the hectic, burgeoning Seattle tech world behind for a  job at Stehekin Wilderness Ranch. Tucked in the heart of the North Cascades, the remote ranch is accessible only by boat or plane.    “Adventure awaits you at Stehekin Wilderness Ranch,” promises the  marketing brochures. “Enjoy kayaking, horseback riding, hiking, or fishing.”    Olivia hires champion Croatian kayaker Luka Novak to guide, not knowing that Luka carries a heavy burden as a ... more
  • Becoming Mariella

    by Janet Constantino
    Synopsis, Becoming Mariella Sicily, 2000. MARIELLA RUSSO graduates university. Desperate to escape Sicily, she is pressured into an engagement with MATTEO, the scion of a wealthy, powerful family. Her controlling and envious mother, YOLANDA, is determined that nothing will stop the wedding. \tMamma announces the engagement at Mariella’s and Matteo’s graduation dinner. Mariella storms out, declaring that she won't get married. \tWith the help of her NONNA, Mariella flees to San Francisc... more
  • Kiya and Her Children: Rise and Fall of the Titans

    by Dennis Wammack
    Kiya and Her Children is the second in a six-book series. It tells the story of Chief Vanam’s banishment of his mate, Kiya, and their children from his tribe of hunter-gatherers to become outcasts who cannot be looked upon—“Titans.” He expects them to die lonely, miserable deaths. Kiya, however, has other plans. The Titans, with love and humanity, overcome all obstacles and create a prospering industrial society and spread their flourishing civilization throughout the world. This is the story ... more
  • Edafos: Divine Wind

    by Howard Jones
    Cardia, one of the many continents in the realm of Edafos, has remained relatively peaceful after 300 Years of War, a war to conquer the land started by the god-like beings called Divines. Through unimaginable pain and suffering, peace had been achieved, though for only a little more than a century. Now as corrupt Kings and religious struggles arise, one boy whose path was set to conquer Cardia rebels against the ideals of his people. He forges his way across the land, coming at odds with many t... more
  • Incident at Aviano

    by Kip Cassino
    It’s November 1965. A young pilot has foolishly done what he was warned not to do, and activated the nuclear weapon hanging below his alert jet. His plane sits just off the tarmac on the Aviano Air Base, Italy flight line. The next 24 hours pit Lieutenant Colonel Dan Cassino and his team of specialists against a powerful, implacable adversary: a bomb that can kill and injure thousands, devastate the northern Italian countryside around them, and possibly destroy the NATO alliance. Based on true e... more
  • Beyond Products: Mastering Customer Success through Innovative Product Management

    by Sangeetha Govindarajan
    Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of customer success and innovative product management with "Beyond Products," a groundbreaking collaboration by Sangeetha Govindarajan and Harish Sridharan. In this meticulously crafted guide, you'll unravel the intricate dynamics between product management and customer success, unlocking the keys to elevating your organization's impact in the digital age. Gone are the days of viewing products in isolation; "Beyond Products" illuminates a path... more
  • Downriver

    by Jennifer M. Lane
    A sulfur sky poisoned her family and her heart. Now revenge tastes sweeter than justice. It’s 1900. In a Pennsylvania coal town tainted by corruption and pollution, Charlotte's world collapses when her parents meet a tragic end. Sent to a foster family in a Maryland fishing village, she’s fueled by grief and embarks on a relentless quest for justice against the ruthless coal boss, Nels Pritchard. But Charlotte is no ordinary girl. She shares the fiery spirit of her father, whose powerful s... more
  • The Means of Keeping

    by Rich Marcello

    "The Means of Keeping" is set in a near-future America and follows lifelong friends Tereza Allard and David Luca, who are devastated by a climate crisis-induced tragedy that claims the lives of their families. As they navigate their profound loss, the story poignantly captures the intersections of love, renewal, environmental activism, and the quest for meaning in a world teetering on the brink of irreversible damage.

    The narrative style weaves the introspective depth reminisc... more

  • Land of the Blind

    by Andy Owen
    Land of the Blind is the fictionalised memoir that tells the untold story behind the scenes of the intelligence war in Afghanistan. It follows the operational tour of a military intelligence officer working in a small team of soldiers attached to the Afghan National Security Directive, whilst navigating the orders of their overly-ambitious commanding officer and the coalition's increasingly confused mission in the sixth 'decisive year' since the invasion. The close-knit team includes an e... more
