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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Sister Jane

    by Irmgarde Brown
    All her life, Jane believes she is small-town ordinary...until she isn't. Some people brand her a witch because of the cat while others believe she has a demon. Her family thinks she's ready for the nursing home, and the down-and-out reporter assumes she's a fake. But nobody, including Jane, can figure out how she does it: heal the sick. All the sick. All the time. Is it a gift of God? The Church is divided. Then, everything erupts when the foreigners arrive along with the government people and ... more
  • Lucy Jinx: Book One (2023)

    by Pablo D'Stair

    At once gargantuan and miniaturist THE LUCY JINX TRILOGY is an intimate Epic, spanning eight years in the life and innermost mind of the titular poet as she navigates ambitions, friendships, lovers, and, above all, her monstrous, psychically tumultuous relationships with language, identity, and purpose; a portrait-of-the-artist equal parts romance, comedy, and existential horror-show.

    NOTE: Each volume of The LUCY JINX TRILOGY is a self-contained, standalone novel. This is the fully rev... more

  • Returning the Bones

    by Gin Hammond
    World War II. A small Texas town. A precocious Black girl struggles with guilt over her brother’s death and is poised to take over the small empire her activist father has amassed. Burdened by legacy and guilt, she feels buried alive, as if her life is happening without her, until faced with a question only she can answer: continue to risk her life in the fight for Civil Rights, or escape to Paris to live a life she’s always dreamed of? Returning the Bones explores the question: How do you ch... more
  • Hour of the Wolf

    by Deanna Madden
    Nightmares provide a frightening portal to the past for a young woman on the brink of adulthood in this time-slip novel about courage in the face of unspeakable evil. In the summer after graduation Jodie Graham is plagued by dreams of a city with cobblestone streets where she follows an old woman through early morning fog. During the day she works at a pizzeria in Chicago and hangs out with friends while waiting for college to start, but in the dead of night her dreams transport her to anothe... more
  • So Hard to Do

    by Sally BASMAJIAN
    Suze Foster has always been devoted to her daughter. As a child, Jannie required extra support in school, but now—at age 29—she’s a rising executive. Suze, thrilled with Jannie’s success, is finally free to follow her own dreams. Without Suze’s dedicated attention, though, Jannie flounders. In a careless moment, she floods her apartment. Enter our hero, Aram—her hot but significantly older neighbor. He saves the day, and for Jannie, it’s love at first sight. Not so much for Aram, though, who f... more
  • The Bootleggers Friend

    by Clare Blando
    BOOTLEGGER’S FRIEND is based on the true story of Johnny Lazia, a gifted politician who is admired and respected in Kansas City. Lazia embodies rough-and-tumble politics in the 1920s. He meets Giovanni Blando, recent immigrant from Sicily and nephew of Lazia’s mentor. Giovanni becomes a bootlegger and Johnny’s closest friend despite their outward differences. The men discover shared interests in liquor, poker and politics. For a decade, the friends live decadent lifestyles in Kansas City, defy P... more
  • In the Garden of Sorrows

    by Karen Jewell
    The novel is a portrait of a woman, Isabel Fuller, grieving the loss of her son in World War I and harboring anger at her husband, who encouraged him to enlist. She agrees to allow a Pentacostal revival in the pecan grove on her farm, and when a young preacher arrives for the revival, his sympathetic attention to her leads to an affair that threatens her marriage.
  • Mad Druggist

    by Frank Hozeska
    Once upon a time, there was a very kind, loving, generous, and caring man who did good work. Unfortunately, the ungodly hypocrites in authority did not like his radical ways of counseling which made it very difficult for him to hold on to his livelihood. All he wanted in this unprecedented, unheard-of, crazy cruel spiritual journey is for someone to give him a break! The tumultuous pharmacy career finally catches up with Louie, and no one is willing to give him another chance or a break. Louie... more
  • An Adult Coloring Book: From The Mind Of A Burnt-Out Corporate Baddie

    by Luna Writes

    Take a break from the daily corporate grind and unleash your creative side! Enjoy 40 coloring pages filled with cute designs and colorful language.

  • Irreversible

    by Agata Duma
    IRREVERSIBLE, is the first poem by Agata Duma from her debut book of poetry called Addicted. It is a poem that makes you feel a strong desire to be yourself and take risks combined with humor and sensitivity, Therefore, it symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life.
  • Apokeri Bay

    by Jackie Watson
    Escape to Greece as a feisty young woman falls in love with a quaint seaside village and starts again. But paradise isn’t what it seems with a matchmaking café owner, a laid-back bike rental employee and a man desperate to escape island life. Enjoy an irresistible page-turner about life and love, friendship, betrayal and heart-wrenching decisions.
  • Sigh

    by Francis Mutemwa
    The process of shipping items can be filled with moments of hope and frustration, as teams work together to ensure timely delivery. Transporting goods across long distances requires a great deal of effort and hard work from postal services, which can sometimes put a strain on their resources and on the environment. Freight ships play a crucial role in the world's economy, carrying a significant percentage of global exports. However, as the world evolves, it's important to consider the sustainabi... more
  • When Cardinals Appear

    by Katie Eagan Schenck

    She has a promise to keep. But when her plans are thrown into a tailspin, will a persistent red bird show her how to let her dreams take flight?

    Lanie McAllister is ready to move on. Wrestling with her mom’s death, the young woman just wants to settle the estate and soar off for good to her boyfriend in California—far away from painful memories. But she suspects the lucky cardinal she keeps seeing is trying to send a message when a flat tire puts her back in... more

  • Voyage of the Pleiades

    by Amy Marie Turner
    Botanist Linnea Wren journeys across the world to the magical island of Chiloé; will she realize her dreams of botanical discovery, or will romance and her murder investigation draw her closer to becoming the next victim?
  • Beast Mom

    by Kim Imas

    An Oregon mom is about to lose her $#!t.

    It might be what the government’s been waiting for.

    On the outside, Harriet “Harry” Lime is a typical American mom. But after years of packing all the lunches and picking up all the socks, she’s become a bit…off on the inside. And after stumbling upon the offensive new statue at her daughter’s school, she gets unusually angry and turns into a gigantic mons... more

