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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Emma's Tapestry

    by Isobel Blackthorn
    Emma’s Tapestry tells the story of a German-American private nurse coming to terms with her husband’s disappearance. She sits at the bedside of Jewish heiress Adela Schuster who reminisces over her dear friend Oscar Wilde. It’s 1939 and war has been declared. Terrified her true identity will be discovered and she’ll be interned, Emma destroys all her papers. In 1914, Emma struggles to fit into the colonial lifestyle of Singapore with her export-manager husband Ernest. War is declared. Emma is ... more
  • The Rape of Persephone

    by Monica Brillhart
    Crete, 1694 BCE. They call her Kore, nameless term for girl. But Kore is no mere girl. She is the blossoming daughter of Demeter, High Priestess of Knossos, and Zeus of Olympus, famed liberator who led the Titan War. Stripped of identity at birth, Kore was sworn to the gods as a virgin priestess. When Kore vanishes amidst the turmoil of a quaking earth, Demeter launches a desperate search for a girl who does not wish to be found. For Kore has not vanished. She has escaped. Her quest for... more
  • GOLD!—The Kincaid Saga

    by Thomas Greenbank
    GOLD! is an 80,000 word novel that would appeal to fans of gritty family saga/drama. It is set against the backdrop of the Western Australian gold mining industry, circa 1975-2005. The central character, Malcolm Kincaid, is a ruthless and self-centred businessman who runs roughshod over friends and family alike in his pursuit of wealth and power. When he allows the pollution of an Aboriginal settlement’s water supply, however, he faces justice of a kind he could never imagine. The story b... more
  • Portrait of a Woman Madly in Love

    by Boman Desai
    Farida Cooper is too shocked by her husband's treachery even to talk about it, but in hiding her shame succeeds only in denying the damage to herself and making casualties of others, among them an infatuated 17-year-old boy. Farida is vivacious, intelligent, beautiful, talented, rich, spoiled, and selfish, but her life is hardly as rosy as it appears. Her father's affairs render her mother frigid. Her saving grace is her Kaki with whom she lives after her sixth birthday, but this also heightens ... more
  • The Quarry Bank Runaways

    by G J Griffiths

    In the early 19th century, when it was the policy of many of the poorhouses and workhouses to deter paupers from applying by making the conditions inside harsh and unpleasant, two boys set out on a journey to Hackney Workhouse in London. Their starting point was in the pleasant Cheshire countryside, where they were apprenticed to the cotton mill built by Samuel Greg in 1784. Children as young as nine would be employed there as scavengers, piecers, mule doffers or can tenters. These jobs could... more

  • Breaking Lucky

    by Bruce Mitchell
    Danny ‘Lucky’ Thornton cursed his middle name. Born in 1895, asthma almost killed him when he was four, but he survived to be among the first volunteer lifeguards on Sydney’s Coogee Beach. Danny’s sister Cath dreamed of becoming a doctor at a time when they told women to ‘know their place’. She didn’t listen, and broke through the walls of prejudice to graduate from Sydney University the only woman in her class. Danny came home from the war with a crippling wound and a shattered mind. Cath st... more
  • Wide Sky People

    by Bruce Mitchell
    Wide Sky People – Volume 1 of the Thornton Series Wide Sky People is the journey of the Thornton family from Ireland to Sydney, over the fabled Blue Mountains to the town of Orange in Central Western New South Wales. The story starts in the 1840’s when Mick and Cate Thornton and their two boys survive four months at sea to encounter false arrest, bushrangers, crooked cops, working the land and a devastating bushfire, to name just a few. Their sons Michael and John take us on a journey thr... more
  • Father War

    by Thomas Doherty

         Young John Spenser sets out to follow in the footsteps of his missing father - duty, honor, country - only to discover decades later that coming face to face with a flesh and blood idol can have dreadful consequences -- for him, his idol, and the woman both men left behind.

  • Hula Girls

    by Eric B. Miller

    Claudia Wyler is a young navy wife living in Hawaii in 1941, striving to be the perfect helpmate to her ambitious husband. She believes devoutly in the dictates of “The Housewife’s Pledge” and embraces the gender roles, social mores, and cultural norms of pre-feminist America. She seeks guidance in The Newlywed Cookbook and Woman’s Home Companion, and finds solace for her failings in the weekly delivery of Life magazine.

    Spanning wartime Hawaii to mainland Americ... more

  • If Only

    by Matthew Tree
    In Saint James' Park, London, the police apprehend a young man who is carrying a bag full of high explosives in one hand and a collection of letters sent to his grandfather by the writer Malcolm Lowry in his inside pocket. In the course of the following interrogation, we discover the strange past and secret phobias of the detainee, and the emotional link between his actions and the Lowry letters. (The book's author really did have a grandfather to whom Lowry wrote on a regular basis).
  • Terriers in the Jungle

    by Georja Umano

    Small and clever California street dogs, Roxie and Romeo, get adopted by a wildlife conservationist. The two adore each other, their home, and their mom Kate. But Kate decides the family will move to Kenya to help save endangered elephants. The dogs must now learn to survive in the midst of wildlife, dangerous people, and challenging circumstances. Told in their own words and based on real-life experiences.

  • Leah's Legacy

    by Cara Skinner
    The week before her graduation from the University of Texas, Caitlin Rhodes goes with her mother, Leslie, to the small community of Friendship to clean its little country church for her family's annual Memorial Day celebration. While cleaning the pulpit, she makes a startling discovery; an ancient scroll that provides a totally new perspective on the life and teachings of Jesus. This fantastic discovery soon leads Caitlin and Kyle, her boyfriend, on an exciting and dangerous adventure throug... more
  • John the Angelic: A Chronicle of Pope Joan

    by A.P. Andes
    Set in the ninth century, John the Angelic, Volume I of A.P. Andes’ genre-bending quartet, The Latecoming West, explores one of history’s most egregious omissions, excised from the record with cold precision: the brilliant, willful woman, Pope Joan. After her father's murder and the loss of their home at sixteen, she adopts the dress and mannerisms of a young man to enter the monastic life, meeting in the process a count who will become her mentor, lover, and closest companion. The book and the... more
  • The Freed Church Boy

    by Lloyd Johnson
    Caught in a mid-life crisis, Lawrence Greene finds himself abandoned by his family and burned by his faith. However, when his religious mother returns, begging for reconciliation, can Lawrence find it in his heart to forgive her, and heal his spiritual wounds? And when an opportunity for a relationship comes knocking, will he feel worthy of a chance at love with the man of his dreams?
  • The Always Already

    by Braulio Muñoz
    The planet is suffering. All over the world humans are forcing nature to bend to their desires. If they continue with their ways, the planet will die. Up in The Highlands the Oca, a people of great knowledge and power, see the devastation and want to know whether humans deserve saving. They send one of their own into The Land, the place where humans are most adamant in using knowledge for controlling nature. Kukuli, a dark and beautiful young woman, is given the fateful task.
  • The Big Empty

    by Loren C.Steffy
    When Trace Malloy and Blaine Witherspoon collide on a desolate West Texas highway, their fender bender sets the tone for escalating clashes that will determine the future of the town of Conquistador. Malloy, a ranch manager and lifelong cowboy, knows that his occupation—and his community—are dying. He wants new- millennium opportunities for his son, even though he himself failed to summon the courage to leave familiar touchstones behind. Witherspoon, an ambitious, Lexus-driving techie, offers ... more
