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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Falling Through the Night

    by Gail Marlene Schwartz
    Audrey Meyerwitz wants to fall in love and have a family. But for this queer 30-something insomniac who’s struggled with Generalized Anxiety Disorder since childhood, it’s a goal that’s far from simple. When best friend Jessica, a recovering alcoholic, helps introvert Audrey with a profile on SheLovesHer, Audrey takes that scary first step toward her lifelong dream. Through online dating, immigrating to Canada, and having a baby with Down Syndrome, she struggles and grows. But when Audrey uneart... more
  • Hush

    by Kit Derrick
    Hush tells the stories of five individuals whose lives intertwine, and they search for the answers that they think will make them whole again. At least one tragedy is on the horizon, one which might make them re-evaluate everything that they think they know. It could happen to any of them.
  • The Queen of the Platform: A Novel of Women's Rights Activist Ernestine Rose

    by Susan Higginbotham

    The story of nineteenth-century feminist Ernestine Rose, the indomitable heroine whose fearless advocacy helped bring about the rights women enjoy today.

  • Hypatia: In Her Own Words

    by Lukman Clark
    The wiki-fable of Hypatia of Alexandria, the most legendary and alluring woman of Late Antiquity, is trumpery contrived to protect centuries old secrets. Meet the real Hypatia. A mixed race Egyptian who loses her family at age 11 in the aftermath of the Great Tsunami of 365 A.D. She must find her place in a world turned upside-down, undergoing changes in identity and discovering the meaning of love while overcoming a serial killer embedded in the Church hierarchy.
  • Feral Maril & Her Little Brother Carol

    by Leslie Tall Manning
    Bright but unassuming Marilyn Jones has some grown-up decisions to make, especially after Mama goes to prison for drugs and larceny. With no one to take care of them, Marilyn and her younger, mentally-challenged brother, Carol, get tossed into the foster care system. While shuffling from one home to another, Marilyn makes it her mission to find the Tan Man, a mysterious man from her babyhood she believes holds the key to her family’s happiness. But Marilyn’s quest is halted when her daddy, a... more
  • A Rock n Roll New Year’s Eve 2024 Ode to Joy: A Satire

    by Michael Boyajian


  • Daughter of Promise

    by Jeanne Blasberg
    Days after graduating from college, Betsabé Ruiz begins her first job on Wall Street, where she plans to save enough money to eventually pursue her dreams of becoming a theatre actress. What she didn’t anticipate was that this job would allow her barely enough free time to sleep or hang out with friends, let alone take acting classes. She didn’t apprehend the magnitude of the wealth that would be swirling about her, either, or how the long hours and close quarters would infuse her professional r... more
  • Klara's Truth

    by Susan Weissbach Friedman
    It is May 2014, and Dr. Klara Lieberman—forty-nine, single, professor of archaeology at a small liberal arts college in Maine, a contained person living a contained life—has just received a letter from her estranged mother, Bessie, that will dramatically change her life. Her father, she learns—the man who has been absent from her life for the last forty-three years, and about whom she has long been desperate for information—is dead. Has been for many years, in fact, which Bessie clearly knew. Bu... more
  • The Malachi Covenant

    by Dee Kelly Jr.
    A holy relic. An Ancient Biblical prophecy. A chance to heal the Catholic Church—or drive it apart forever. When the Vatican announces that Pope Peter will present a holy relic, a rib bone of Saint Nicholas, to the Russian people on Christmas Eve, the world is paying attention. St. Nicholas is revered by the Russian people, and the Vatican hopes that the Pope’s historic visit to Moscow will not only ease political tensions with Russia, but help heal the thousand-year schism between the Eas... more
  • Lincoln's Angel: the Rebecca Pomroy Story

    by DL Fowler

    A novel of triumph over tragedy.

    Experience the true story of a woman who persisted through adversity and quietly left an indelible mark on history.

    After thirty years of catastrophic loss and debilitating grief, Rebecca rises from the ashes of her life to become a Civil War army nurse offering hope and healing to countless sick, wounded, and dying soldiers. But when she encounters the weight of anguish borne by President and Mrs. Lincoln, her ... more

  • Chakraland's Secrets: Inner Peace: A Tale of Mindful Living | Self-Help with Chakras, Mindfulness, and Affirmations

    by Mile Miteva Pedraza
    Dive into the enchanting world of 'Chakraland's Secrets: Inner Peace,' a captivating tale that transcends the ordinary and transports you to the mystical realm of Weeklandium. In this extraordinary land, the days of the week are more than just a passing of time; they are sentient beings with distinct personalities. Following a disagreement with her family, Monday, a day with a unique essence, embarks on an unexpected journey of self-discovery and internal growth. In her quest, she ... more
  • Whispers in a Phone Booth: A Depression-Era Tale of Danger and Deception

    by J. Daniel Reed
    Whispers in a Phone Booth: A Depression-Era Tale of Danger and Deception, a stirring new novel from the author of The First Wolf Pack: A Dog’s Fable As World War I ravages Europe, two beautiful and courageous teenage sisters make a miraculous escape to America from their bitter lives in Poland, thanks to their selfless mother. They settle with their aunt in an immigrant enclave on the north side of Chicago. It’s the same neighborhood where two gifted young men, a steelworker and a pharm... more
  • Coffee, Sweet Tea or Lemonade & Me?

    by Bobbie Hazelton
    Romance & Family: A Southern Love Story Author’s fondness of Louisiana becomes the background of this beautiful story of love and fighting for love Loves that are worth fighting for. That’s what true love and family means to the people of the South. In this absorbing novel by author Bobbie Hazelton, readers will follow the romance and the brewing trouble of these lovers in Coffee, Sweet Tea or Lemonade & Me. Readers will meet three cousins who go to New Orleans to fill a New Year’s resolution, ... more
  • testing

    by testing
  • Life's Unexpected Blessings

    by Michelle Copeland
    Occasionally, when things fail to proceed as planned because they don’t live up to our expectations, we become frustrated. Always keep in mind that not everything goes as planned. It’s not because you aren’t worthy of it; rather, you are due so much more. Not everything in life works out as expected. It might occasionally be frightening to move in a new path before realizing you’re going somewhere amazing. The story of Shelia, a woman whose life has not gone as she had anticipated or planned, i... more
  • Max's War

    by Libby Fischer Hellmann
    As the Nazis sweep across Europe, Jewish teen Max and his parents flee German persecution to Holland, where Max finds friends and romance. But when Hitler invades in 1940, Max escapes to Chicago, leaving his parents and friends behind. When he learns of his parents' murder, Max immediately enlists in the US Army. After basic training he is sent to Camp Ritchie, Maryland, where he is trained in interrogation and counterintelligence. Deployed to the OSS, Max carries out dangerous missions in Occ... more
