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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Secrets In The Mirror

    by Leslie Kain
    Secrets In the Mirror is a literary multigenerational family saga. It is psychological fiction with domestic suspense; although it follows identical mirror twins from age 16 through 27, it is a story for adults, showing the impact of family dysfunction, abuse, crime and mental illness on each generation. Early reviews: •\tSecrets in the Mirror is a compelling story about Narcissistic Personality Disorder mixed with family patterns of abuse and addiction. Gavin, the hero, wants only to save his... more
  • Into the Dust - The Virgin - A Burning Man Story

    by Jack Lyons
    WHAT IS BURNING MAN? A place made sacred by people who need a sacred place. Why are people drawn to Burning Man, and what brings them back again and again? What actually happens at the maligned, misunderstood, an iconic event staged in the middle of a Nevada desert? More importantly, what happens to the people who go? Burning Man is just a hedonistic music festival, a decadent party for burnouts, druggies, and hippies. Or so Diane believes, until an unexpected invitation from her closest ... more
  • In the Shadow of the Apocalypse

    by Dinu Pillat
    In the Shadow of the Apocalypse was completed by Dinu Pillat in 1948 and then submitted for review to other writers and literary critics in 1953. Left unpublished, it became the corpus delicti against its author in the 1960 (in)famous trial against dissident intellectuals (the so-called Noica-Pillat batch:, in Romanian). Pillat was found guilty of "plotting against the social order" and sentenced to 25 years detention and 10 years of ... more
  • Mundanity

    by Jonathan Carreau
    A young man in an alternate reality Earth moves into a new town and discovers how bigotry and economic inequality shape everything around him. He must learn how to navigate everything around him if he is to prosper.
  • A Prospect of London

    by Julie L'Enfant
    It is 1980, and Caroline Landry has arrived in London to do research on a long-forgotten writer. But the last thing she wants is to sit for hours at a desk in the British Library. Eight years ago, she fell in love with London on a college trip, guided by a magnetic teacher, and the city has come to represent everything this bookish young professor loves. But her research will take her places she could never have imagined, into a world far more interesting than she hopes. Caroline is an assist... more
  • Hello, Old Friend: Awright Auld Mukker

    by Joseph Tristan
    "Hello Old Friend" is a story of a relationship between a nine-year-old boy and his new adult neighbor from Scotland. The relationship lasted twenty-six years. When Christian learns of the passing of his friend Kian, he begins the journey of reliving and sharing his memories of Kian with his family. Christian wishes that he could see Kian one last time to thank him for his friendship. But he doesn't know how he can make that happen, or does he? It is not a love story, but you can feel th... more
  • Any Joe

    by Maura Lin
    Any Joe is a novel about Joe and Cherie, two young people who must negotiate their environment, and family and peer influences in the morally ambiguous, sexually-infused culture of the 1990’s and early 2000’s. Can they stay true to themselves, or will they succumb to the worst effects of adversity? Their story is one we can all relate to on some level: How do any of us navigate the effects of environment and culture when their messages conflict with our values and our own autonomy?
  • The Newlywed's Window: The 2022 Mukana Press Anthology of African Writing

    by Mukana Press
    Who are Africa’s most promising emerging short story writers? Mukana Press sought to answer this question by scouting the continent for largely undiscovered talent. The result? This collection! Africa’s stories have largely been relegated to themes of poverty, and war; yet there is so much more brilliance, texture, and layers to our stories. This collection seeks to provide a platform for the rest of the world to become acquainted with the excellence of talent outside of the mainstream, as we... more
  • Getaway Day

    by Ken White
    What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others is, and remains, immortal. Mikey Wright is a normal 13-year-old. With normal problems. Until the day he finds out his dad has cancer. Getaway Day chronicles Mikey's journey to save his father's life and learn the meaning of his own. His journey to help his father takes him from the safety and security of his home town of Modesto, California, to Anaheim, Chicago, and back down Route 66. Along the way, he's helped by some ordinary and e... more
  • Zhetybay

    by Robert Collinson

    Zhetybay is an adventure story set in the oilfields of Kazakhstan. 

    It was a time of change, and a question of survival. The people knew how to survive, it was part of their history, their culture. A stranger emerges, a foreigner, a man with different values and ethics. Perhaps he was destined to help them make the changes that they sorely needed? He was unaware of what was about to befall, and he had simply been sent to do a job. The cold hard truth of the matter was about to be r... more

  • Forget Me Knot

    by Tammie Adele
    Faced with the mortality of her beloved mare, Beauty, and while trying to provide guidance and support to her twelve-year-old niece, Trina starts to reminisce her twenty-year friendship with Beauty. Trina was a shy and nervous twelve-year-old that wasn’t just happy in the shadow of her big sister, Talicia, but actively sought it out. This happened despite her not really noticing or caring that she and Talicia had been cast from the same mould, being physically similar, having similar names an... more
  • A Meh-Life Crisis

    by Jen Parker
    Jane has gotten used to wading through life with zero goals and even less ambition. When her grandmother says that all she wants for her eightieth birthday is for Jane to track down a painting from her college days, it means she’ll have to re-join the art world she left behind and, even worse, find that bitch Ridgeley. Then again, Jane really could use an epic “hike the Appalachian Trail but still go to work”-type journey to get her off her butt. And she’s not the only one. Her best friend Elle ... more
  • A Passport to God

    by Richard A Holmberg
    A montage of one hundred ninety-six parables and fables, written during “automatic writing” sessions. The collection of flash stories gives hope and insight to all who question God’s presence. The series of stories portrays how life and living are two separate ideas. This book explains a life with or without God by our side. The stories provoke inner development and are perfect icebreakers for pastors, family gatherings, and social groups. Quotes from the Old and New Testaments reinforce many ... more
  • Endless Times Volume One: The Path of Kokopelli

    by Walter Stephen Geeding
    Jack and Jim, two footloose, lifetime friends and beer drinking buddies, are out back-roading when they spot the cabin. Aha, it’s treasure, treasure indeed, and much more. As Jack runs out with some little gold figures, deputies start shooting. They have discovered a way to travel the time road disguised as a dilapidated shack. The only problem is those deputies. A “start no violence” command is broken; now, travelers must dodge lawmen. Jack throws the gold back in; time returns to normal. Some ... more

    by Sheridan Brown

    "The Viola Factor" takes place at a time when the country faced division and growth after the American Civil War. Viola Knapp Ruffner struggled with what was just and fair, becoming a little-known confidant for a young black scholar from Virginia. But Viola was much more than a teacher; she was a mother, wife, game changer, and friend. With her mother's dying wish, a young woman alone, she left her New England roots. This is a story of trauma and love in the South while battling... more

  • Of Sin and Soul

    by Liam Murphy
    0f Sin and Soul follows the travails of a young American woman, Chloe Ettagio. Who leaves her home and family behind and escapes her loveless marriage by emigrating to the west coast of Ireland. She embarks on a torrid but disastrous sexual affair once settled there. This affair reshapes the rest of her life. We learn how a singular life event can change our destiny so dramatically. And of the family secrets and the community's efforts to protect those secrets.
