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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Darkness Beyond the Window,

    by Alexander Elbert
    A story from Ukraine that connects the past and the present times.
  • Illuminating Darwin: Arabella's Light

    by Jill George
    Young Arabella Buckley secures a coveted role as a literary assistant to the renowned geologist Sir Charles Lyell. As Arabella's scientific prowess grows, she captures the attention of the influential minds of her time, including the enigmatic Charles Darwin himself. Despite prevailing notions of female inferiority, Arabella's talents transcend gender barriers, forging a unique friendship and collaboration with Darwin. Together, they revolutionized the scientific world by translating Darwin's ... more
  • Echolocation And Other Stories

    by Sarah Cimarusti
    Echolocation And Other Stories, is a collection of literary fiction featuring a female narrator who moves various times and has to reinvent herself in every location. She struggles with a chaotic home life and identity issues. Readers experience the various stages of her life and find themselves in different places across the Midwest and briefly in Cali, where her family loses their home in a wildfire. Echolocation explores various topics around identity: spiritual evaluation, sexual orientation... more
  • Distortion

    by Sierra Ernesto Xavier

    "Distortion could be the most daringly original and breathtakingly powerful work of literary fiction to emerge in recent years.Highly recommended."
    Chris Riches - Daily Express

    “A literary masterpiece of restraint and intimacy that breaks down barriers to reconnect readers with the vulnerablemind and beating heart of humanity." Richard Moriarty - The Sun

    “Let's face it, literary fiction can be pretentio... more

  • Elly Robin : Bird in a Gilded Cage (The Ordeals of Elly Robin)

    by PD Quaver
    While studying piano with a famous Italian virtuoso, fifteen-year old prodigy Elly Robin at first considers the patronage of the immensely wealthy LaSalle family a stroke of good fortune. But her social ineptness makes her a laughing stock to the LaSalle children. And Elly soon realizes the ostensibly respectable family harbors terrible secrets.
  • Elly Robin in the Big Easy (The Ordeals of Elly Robin)

    by PD Quaver
    Still traumatized by her experiences upriver, Elly is just another penniless street urchin in the teeming city--until a ragged troupe of barefoot boys, who call themselves the Razzy Dazzy Spasm Band, discover the secret of her colossal talent. With their help, Elly is soon playing nightly at one of the elegant bordellos in the city's notorious Storyville district. She becomes privy to the fascinating--and disturbing--secrets of the women who work there, and befriends such musical luminaries as ... more
  • Altered Estates

    by Chris Mathison
    English manor mystery meets magic mushrooms Kris Robinson, a scenarist with temporary drug-induced amnesia, enters a live-action manor mystery as a character in order to test his game, unaware that he wrote it. In the scenario, Kris learns his long-lost uncle left him a fabulous English estate. When he arrives there, he finds the butler trying to steal his inheritance, the caretaker’s precocious grandson expounding on Jungian synchronicity, the chef spouting palindromes, and a cast of other mad... more
  • Elly Robin On the Road (The Ordeals of Elly Robin)

    by PD Quaver
    While rambling through Kansas in the year 1912 in her Model T Roadster, Elly Robin and her pal Jimmy McGann, along with Jimmy's young wife Sara and her little brother Jonah, fall in with a troupe of down-at-heel actors. Thirteen-year-old Elly's sensational ragtime playing revives the troupe's fortunes, and both Sara and Jonah discover talents that help keep the troupe afloat. But a brutal murder and a flash flood lead to Elly's dependence on a remote community of ex-slaves and their descendants ... more
  • The Fallible

    by David Ewald
    A teen discovers a gun in the trunk of his car. A spider exposes a weakness a son has never seen. A young woman reaches a breaking point with her partner while traveling in Egypt. A serial philanderer uses the personal tragedy of September 11th to his advantage. In these stories and more, the author of He Who Shall Remain Shameless takes readers down paths punctuated by the mistakes of parents and children, teachers and students, spouses and significant others--imperfect people driven by love, y... more
  • Fearful Breakers

    by Janice Sebring
    Since his youth, José Albañez has wanted only one thing — to follow his father into the joiner’s trade. His uncle Domingo, however, drawn him unwillingly away form his comfortable life in Havana into his Caribbean web of trade and smuggling. He struggles to escape a life at sea, but his uncle’s plans, and the arrival of a British fleet in 1762 to besiege Havana, threaten to take the choice out of his hands.
  • The Patriarch and the Lord

    by Dennis Wammack
    In the final book of The Beginning of Civilization: Mythologies Told True, the mythologies of ‘Pharaoh Djoser and Queen Hetephe, Isis and Osiris, Set and Horus, the Lady of Byblos, Abraham and Sarai and Hathor, Yahweh and Asherah, Moses and his Lord all intertwine to provide origination stories for the Sphinx, the Ark of the Covenant, misogyny, the evolution of the gods of Canaan, the emergence of Mecca and the Ishmalites, plus, the nature of death and God are posited. These multiple secondar... more
  • Istara's tale

    by ARS Nipun
    Istara is a superearth. Its people are stuck in the age of exploration. Will our hero, an earthling, survive his mission on this novel world where there's day, night and a daypause? Or will he succumb to Istara's strange beasts and even stranger phenomenon?
  • Fire on the Frontier

    by Kenneth Kunkel
    Rome and the Northern Frontier. 9 CE. One seeks revenge. One desires freedom. One craves victory. One demands justice. When his parents were killed by a barbarian attack, Marcus was rescued as an infant by his adopted uncle. Will his plan for revenge bring him the peace of mind he desperately desires? Her oppressive home life has forced Helena to seek freedom. Will her fights in the arena bring her closer to her goal or will her unexpected encounter with Marcus disrupt her search? A ... more
  • American Rehabilitators - Evil Twins Meet The Devils

    by DS Kumar
    David Wayne is a medical representative living in Chicago and working for a pharma firm. He goes to New York City to market an antidepressant drug. In the City, he meets Ingrid, a flight attendant. This gives David another chance at love and pits him against a Boston gang that has kidnapped Sigrid, Ingrid's identical twin sister. Ingrid is forced to smuggle stolen diamonds for the safety of Sigrid, who has killer plans for her captors. After David comes back to Chicago, he is entangled in a biza... more
  • Disaster for Sale

    by F. David Rinehart
    "When Yellowstone’s Super Volcano threatens eruption wiping out the United States, Dr. Thomas Jackson, the world’s foremost expert in the geology of aquifers and underground water movements is called upon to lead the frantic effort to reverse the trends hopefully avoiding an eruption. Joined by internationally known disaster response expert, Catherine Craft, who has just finished her rotation leading the massive response to the eruption of Sicily’s Mt. Etna and the initial test of her designe... more
  • The Boy Who Changed His World

    by Robert Whanslaw

    Friendship can heal the deepest wounds, but what if those wounds are opened again?

    In the seaside town of Whitstable in 1978, amid the punk rock revolution, two outsiders forge an unlikely bond. Callum, a teenage boy tormented by bullying and self-doubt, meets Potts, a reclusive World War II veteran with a troubled past.

    A friendship between them grows; Potts encourages Callum to face life and go for what he wants and maybe even the girl, Lucy, at school he has a... more

