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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • The Game of Satori: The Awakening

    by Amy Jacquemard
    The Game of Satori, a virtual reality escape game that hacks your mind—delving deeply into your subconscious, pulling memories, thoughts and beliefs to the surface that have long been suppressed. All in the name of Satori – sudden enlightenment. The winner will claim one million dollars and the promise of a new life. Do you have the guts to see what’s hidden there? It’s just a game… isn’t it?
  • VERITAS The Pharmacological Endgame: The End of the Obesity Epidemic

    by Alessandro Boccaletti
    ZEUS is an international organization dedicated to the eradication of certain scientific advancements to keep its members part of the global elite. The group targets any researchers or whistleblowers that may topple its position at the top of the pharmaceutical industry. The members’ influence extends all the way to the top of the major world governments. One man holds the key to stopping them. Dr. Alex Bauman joined the Molecular Fat Studies Department at Queens University in Brisbane bec... more
  • Vicarious Vacations

    by Michael Wojciechowski
    Like so many millennials, Paige Reynolds yearns for social media stardom. Vicarious Vacations, an organization that manufactures fake vacations to increase one’s social media influence, promises users their services can guarantee ascension to social media royalty. True to their word, Vicarious Vacations elevates Paige’s online presence, but now that she’s amassed a respectable following, what will she pay to regain her privacy?
  • Six Word Story

    by Doug Weller

    Six Word Story is a collection of stories, jokes, memoirs, and poems, all written in only six words.

    Find horror, romance, thriller, hilarity, and tragedy all bundled in a few tiny words.

    This collection of micro-fiction gives readers a chance to get an instant dose of story.

    Six Word Story by Doug Weller includes the winner of the 2020 Six Word Wonder Contest, with over 1000 stories were entered. As well as publication, the winner receives a $50 prize as the Six Word Wonder... more

  • Utah! A Novel

    by Levi Rogers
    Fleeing from ever present wildfires and the threat of the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupting, Lee, Becca, and their daughter Analise embark on a road-trip through the state of Utah to a wedding in Zion National Park. Set in the not-too-distant-future, Utah! is a novel about climate change and the intricacies of relationships—between family, partners, religious structures, nature, and the American West. Featuring a litany of intriguing Utah residents including ex and current Mormons, doomsday prep... more
  • Pandemic

    by Wesson Renick
    This novel takes place during the spring of 2020, a period in which toilet paper was in short supply, restaurants and bars shut their doors, and a great many tactile experiences were abruptly deemed unsafe. Not content to stay home and binge-watch television, one wealthy man saw the shutdown as an opportunity to party, and the means that he went to see his plan through would have a disastrous effect on countless lives.
  • As the Road Narrows

    by James Anhalt

    In 1979 an ambitious state attorney-general contrives a plot to unseat an indiscreet governor. A somewhat innocent banker ensnarled in a midlife crisis, is caught in the crosshairs. As the Road Narrows portrays one poor decision and the media hysteria that drastically changed innocent lives. It is humorous, yet insightful. Filled with the conflicts that plagued America in the 1970s, shifting views on morality, social responsibility, political shenanigans, and clashing viewpoi... more

  • Untouched

    by Jayme Bean
    Dr. Julia Morrow and her graduate students, David and Marisol, embark on a research trip to explore a remote section of the Amazon rainforest. When their trails seem to change direction at will and they find themselves lost and without communication, the trio worry they may be in for more than just the latest scientific discovery. Banding together, they’re left deciding which is more important - finding out how to escape the unexpected horrors lurking within the rainforest or getting back home i... more
  • Gold of Pleasure: A Novel of Christina of Markyate

    by Ruth Mohrman
    Christina of Markyate was a gifted twelfth-century English woman, whose visions brought her local fame and who once owned the renowned St Albans Psalter. As a young girl she refused the sexual advances of the Bishop of Durham and ran away from home rather than consummate a forced marriage. Christina was hidden for years by rural hermits, developed a passionate attachment for one of her rescuers, and finally achieved the religious life she had always wanted, as a Prioress. The Abbot of St Albans ... more
  • The Last White Flag

    by Bob Cartmill
    In 1787 the British government commenced a program of shipping their convicts to an unexplored wilderness on the other side of the globe. When two brothers are wrongly convicted of a crime, they find themselves shipped away as members of a mass of exiles consigned to building a new colony. Their very different personalities and outlooks will take them on two different paths as they and their families seek to cope with both societal oppression and physical survival. The convicts endure mistreat... more
  • Lost Island: Plus three stories and an afterword

    by Stefan Cooke
    "Lost Island" was Barbara Follett’s third and last novel. It tells the story of Jane Carey, a young woman from Maine whose character and philosophy bear a striking similarity to her creator’s. A lover of woods and mountains, Jane finds herself working in a dusty New York office during the early years of the Great Depression. Her job is dull, her friends are in trouble, and she yearns for adventure. She finds it on a schooner anchored in the harbor, which soon whisks her away to… where? Jane d... more
  • The Twitter President

    by Mark Schreiber

    The Twitter President chronicles the rise and fall of a populist chief executive in his own bombastic, scurrilous tweets.

    Carl Rumble is a narcissistic entrepreneur from Boston who made his fortune building bridges. But as a reactionary presidential candidate he promises to build walls. Walls between countries, between allies, between genders, races and religions, dividing and conquering until no one is left to challenge him.

    Yet in his increasing paranoia he believe... more

  • Shades of Gray Trilogy Collection

    by Jessica James

    Honor and conviction clash with loyalty and love in this epic Civil War love story that pits brother against brother. Shades of Gray chronicles the clash of a Confederate cavalry officer with a Union spy as they defend their beliefs, their country, and their honor.

    Shades of Gray Civil War Serial Trilogy consists of three books: Duty Bound, Honor Bound, and Glory Bound.

    What Readers Are Saying About Shades of Gray:

    “It is a book that I... more

  • Souls in Exile

    by Nick Padron
    Nick Padron's SOULS IN EXILE is a collection of short fiction composed of a novella, a novelette, and seven short stories. "Sylvia's Island," a novelette-length tale of women banding together to take on the World of Men "Papa's Bastard Son," magical realism about a Cuban man whose mother left him an unpublished manuscript by 'Papa,' yes, the famous one. ( Perhaps, one of the most celebrated shorts in this book, published in over a dozen literary magazines and print collections, including Calli... more
  • The Sentinel

    by Jacqueline Hodder
    Escaping from a failed relationship, Kathleen Devine flees to an isolated lighthouse off the Australian coastline. Taking up the position of Head Teacher to the lighthouse keepers' children, she is quickly ensnared in the lives of those marooned on the lonely outpost and soon realises no-one can escape their past. When the fearsome Head Lightkeeper, Mr Johannsson, forms an unlikely friendship with the daughter of one of the keepers, it threatens to destroy their fragile peace. Can Kathleen find ... more
  • The Warrior and the Enchantress

    by Diana Sherrill Richards
    Chanity was the beloved daughter of the Chieftain and Lady of Holdenworth. She enjoyed a happy childhood until the day raiders attacked. Vorik the merciless slew her father and enslaved her mother, Serina. After Serina's death, Chanity was alone and in Vorik's care. Who would protect her from him? She had nowhere to run, and no one to run to. Chanity was older now, and did not believe in a fairytale Knight in shining armor, but perhaps she should. Derek was a skilled warrior, born the second s... more
